Posts by Tr2e

    LOL !!!!!!!!


    Originally posted by SWAT_OP-R8R
    to be honest i didnt put much attention on this project for a long time because i was busy with CF and because every call for help was ignored

    sorry but we aren't able to do anything if you're ignoring our volunteers :(

    bittorrent would be a great option, because it is often used for the free download of different linux distros because they aren't able to pay the traffic - their software is for free and open source, noone is payed for!

    could you explain why you won't choose such a solution? (just for my mind)


    ich war in Telosis mit meinem Shooting Star. Es ging alles glatt bis vor kurzem. Ich habe mehrere Chars, wobei ich mich mit jedem einloggen kann außer mit meinem Hauptchar (Tr2e). Wenn ich den auswähle und mich damit einlogge fliege ich auf den Desktop zurück und nach kurzer Zeit kommt der Windows Fehler den man mit "Senden / Nicht senden" bestätigen kann.

    Kann mir da jemand helfen?

    (Nochmals, System: Telosis, Flieger: Shooting Star)



    /edit: habe gerade mitbekommen das das schiff "Shooting star" corupt ist. den charakter lasse ich so wie er ist, bis er in 1.62 wieder zum einsatz kommen kann wenn der shooting star gefixt ist.

    /edit2: habe gerade festgestellt, dass wenn man an orion outpost in oasis dockt und deathblade und anschließend mayfly kauft, und das noch von deathblade vorhandene lvl 8 shield verbaut, man beim ausdocken mit der mayfly als "cheater" beschimpft wird (lost connection, possible cheating detected).


    nice, i agree with you OP not to give any of yours code to other people.
    nice of you, that you'd killed those bugs in such a short time!

    i leave you alone with your probs, but you should know that I'm still there to help. i got a lot of time now (abitur - *hier-bin-ich* - bundeswehr).

    bye and keep on doing your shit! it's tight! [404]

    PS: und falls du mich mal kontaktieren willst, icq ist im profil. ebenso wie ich 2x KOS bin, bin ich auch von 2 clans angeworben worden. mein engagement kompensiert sich also ;)

    lol, sorry i thought you were that smart to recognize that people who want to code, need the code (means server+client). ok from now on i will write my thinkings in a detailed way:
    the question you ask is like "what does brian drink?". if i don't know the context in this c++ code I unfortunatley cannot evaluate this single line.
    first while regarding this line it would lead me to take a look at the database to search the entry IBehaviorManager. It shouldn't be there because the compiler did not find this "state graph" variable.
    it's like "what's goig on with this stone", but i have to see the whole house to see why's the stone there and what for.

    I think a lot of peeps misunterstood me. i want no flame, criticism etc. I want results for me and the community and especially for our admin, results which can be forced by us.

    I think for some people work is conterminous to temper. Don't be afraid of what I wrote, this is no furor discussion or whatever. It's a work oriented thing. for those who don't understand my purpose, don't get in awful fear, I don't want your money :) :D

    und mal nebenbei für den admin: ich verstehe deine haltung nicht, wieso nutzt du nicht den kontakt zu anderen und nimmst deren hilfe an? es sind doch nicht nur zocker unter uns sondern auch coder (z.B. meine wenigkeit), das ist irgendwie sehr kontraproduktiv oder nicht? klär mich auf!

    it's typical to write 10-20 posts about "how difficult the problem is" and making nothing, sorry dude, that's not a pilot's motivation. i know difficult codes, very difficult codes in different languages. the code won't change unless you change it.
    words and works differs in one letter: d and k . but the attitude between those words differs in many ways of thinkings.
    this is not real criticism, it's only a hint for all who want to play CF. and if the code seems to be tricky, let's conquer it.
    nothing is impossible. :)


    you dont even know what is needed to help

    ...unless you show us ...

    sorry i do not understand the pessimistc way you choose to fix the bugs. you say "impossible" and "very much time" and "more erros", everyone wants to help you but you do not even recognize those offers.
    everone wants to help and i think everyone can help.
    don't say "oh it will be hard", attend those offers and you'll get it fixed,
    I'm positive,


    As many players mentioned a lot of them agreed to help to fix the problem with the server as far as possible.

    So my question is: How?

    In my case I can subserve as coder or gfxer.
    I know the mod source is top secret, so the OP has to choose which parts can be done by normal users/players.
    It would be slightly difficult to organize this but it would speed up the action too.
    And I think over 99,99% of the players want to see the server running as soon as possible.
