Posts by Mantra

    @NucNuc i think alredy explain why i didnt get his cash back coz i thought the RP is meant to by in this way and i will give the next scenario ,let say me as pirate tax someone and start chase him from vega to sol system (long trip ) and when we both in sol sys that ''someone" decide to troll me by suicide or he let npc kill him on propose for avoid RP and respawn in others sys (fast travel , free repairs and so on ) so when Mr.Spock WAS KILL by NPC i thought this was fair to get the tax ,if this not right i sorry but i didnt know and no i dont say that he did someting on propose i say only that is a possibility and thought the new RP system only try prevent such tricks by make the rulles more simple, shame on me for thinking this, appologize

    @Geronimo my english is very bad and to be honest i dont get it what you what to tell in your last post, i wil tell only this i get the tax paid right away after on console apear '' Spock kill by npc'' and server logs can confirm this i hope

    @NucNuc i will read those threads thx , i new to this tax/fine commands i must say ,i use today this way of taxing mostly from curiosity

    hello ,

    here the bad pirate Mantra ,Mr.SPOCK tell the true but not the whole truth and he froget the most important thing to tell that i get the tax from him not in the moment that he kill me in PVP i ve didnt get nothing then, i ve GOT THE TAX WHEN HE WAS KILL BY NPC (30 seconds after he kill me in pvp) ,is not my fault that the RP IS MEANT TO BE IN THIS WAY , right ? and let put it this way, maybe after he kill me in pvp he wanted on propose to by kill by NPC ,for fast travel or free repairs and maybe thats why he was penalty idk, but is clearly not my fault coz i didnt use any exploits or whatever is called this , so in conclusion i get the TAX when he died (kill by vnpc) not when he killed me i hope is clear now