Posts by Andromanus

    Its Possible to run EptW indefinitely.
    But you need Tech. DOFFS with a total Cooldown reduction of about 18%

    Because you can use A2B 2 times during the Runtime of EptW.

    CD of EptW = 45 secs * (1-(2x0,18) = 28,8 secs effective Cooldown

    After 28,8 secs you can use EptW again. And because 28,8 < 30secs means EptW runs indefinitely.

    Isnt the shared cooldown of EP2A and Ep2W 15 secs?
    And if you use the A2B after the Ep2A you reduce the cooldown of EP2W of about 3-5 secs, depending on the quality of your Technician DOffs.
    Results in a 10 sec delay for the use of EP2W. Short after that your sec A2B skill should be ready for use. (Shared cooldown of about 15 secs.)

    Hm... this topic is a bit complex.
    I should do some calcs to give you a better answer about this topic.

    But my theory is that if you have the right doffs it should be possible to run Ep2W, A2B, and EP2A nearly indefinitely.
    Rota I have to test:
    EP2A->A2B -> 10secs -> EPtW -> A2B -> EP2A etc....

    Because of the 30secs runtime of the EP2 skills it should be possible run all skill indefinitely. In Theorie.

    I will Test it.

    Jup, soweit war ich auch schon. Verwende auch nur mehr Traits die DPS bringen.

    Hab zwar noch nicht so viel HP aber langt allemal.

    Wo ich mir noch unsicher bin welche der DPS Traits besser für mich sind.

    Zb. Lohnt sich die Delta Allianz Rüstungsdurchdringung? oder die Stapelbare Critchance?
    Oder diese Omega Waffenverstärrkung mit dem Schilddurchdringen Schaden
    Oder die Nukara Aux to DPS Sache?

    Denke das die Romulaner Critchance eine solide sache ist und auf alle fälle dabei sein muss.

    I don´t think it makes no sense here to do a vs. comparison on which is better.

    I´m using too an Aux2Batt build and in addition EPTW!
    with 2 aux2batt and the right DOFFS you can run the EPTW nearly all the time. (Runtime = 30secs)

    Your right that aux2batt cripples your sci skills, but in this case you have to stick to a simply rota.

    Rota: rise aux level > use sci skills > use aux2batt

    The effectiveness of this build depends on your skill and timing while playing.


    Das man den Aufrüsten kann geht denk ich schon.

    Zumindest hab ich die Stats der 5U Variante schon im Netz gefunden.

    Aber der Tipp mit der Tauschbörse ist gut. Schau ich mir gleich mal an.

    I fly an A2B Build on my cruiser.

    The cooldown reduction applies based on the bease cooldown.

    I would recommend to use to a2b skills. It dosn't matter which level.

    You cant hit them constantly because of the cd they applie on each other. But all 10 secs is one ready.

    If you want to get the maximum out of this skills you should raise the aux level before using.
    But this is only a point of fine tuning and not a must.

    You should also keep in mind that your skills from your sci boff are based on your aux energy level.
    So use them first before you use the a2b.

    Rota: Raise aux level > use sci skills if needed > use a2b

    Jetzt muss noch nach eurer meinung fragen bzgl. Meines engi consolen setups.

    Hab im moment 3 neutronium alloys und 1 eps flow rgeulator.

    Plane eine neutronium durch die delta allianz console zu ersetzen.

    Meint ihr das reicht an Hüllen resi?


    The right boff depends on the area you want to improve.

    Offense or defense?

    Human for defense
    Saurians for more subsystem power
    Romulans for critchance
    Nausicans for more base dmg

    Its up to you what you want.


    Zu den plasmawaffen muss ich auch noch meinen senf dazu geben.

    Aufbauend auf der kalkulation von r8r sind die korrosiven nur theoretisch besser.

    Bis zur sekunde 15 des debuffs sind die romulanischen vorn. D.h. erst ab sek. 16 fangen die korrosiven an besser zu werden.
    Das gilt aber auch nur dann wenn in dieser zeit die romulanischen nicht proccen.
    Würden die romulanischen in diesen 5 sek wieder proccen kommen zur obrigen kalk noch mal 50 punkte für die roms dazu kommen.

    Am ende stehts dann roms 200 zu corrosive 210 punkte.

    Stellt sich nur die frage ob die in prozent reduzieren oder in absoluten widerständen?

    Lg Andro

    Danke für die Blumen! Hoffe es ist ok wenn ich auf Deutsch weiter schreibe?

    Werde deinen Rat demnächst testen und EptS durch EptA ersetzen.

    Außerdem hab ich mir überlegt das Engi Team 3 und EptW 1 durch Engi Team 1 & EptW 3 aus zu tauschen.

    Was empfiehlt ihr eigentlich als Cmd Skill des Engi Boffs?

    Direct Energy Modulation oder Reverse Shield Polarity etc...?


    Good morning.

    Thx for that hints.
    Those consoles shouldn be the problem. I will get them quite fast.

    My actual boff setup looks as follows.

    4 Human
    1 Saurian (aarp core efficiency)

    Boff skills.

    Tac Ensign: Beam FAW
    Tac Lt: Tac Team & attack pattern beta
    Sci Lt.: sci team and hazard emitter
    Engi Cmd: EPTW, AuxtoBatt, Engi. Team, DEM
    Engi. Lt. Cmd.: EPTS, Reverse shield polarity, AuxtoBat

    My char build is quite simple based arround energy weapon dmg, hull and shield hp/& reg, supsystem power and attack pattern.

    No projectiles and sci skills.

    I'm also looking forward to these romulan tac boffs.

    Boff setup:
    3 Technicans
    1 warp core spezialist
    1 tac. For the tac team Buff (cant remember the name)

    Only all standard traits.
    Cant find these genetical sequenzer on the exchange (undine hull rep and the inspired leader)


    Hallo Fleet!

    I´m new here and first i want to say hello to everyone! :)

    Im an Engineer Captian and i love to fly cruiser. (Soverreign Assault cruiser at the moment)

    Im on the very beginning of my STO Career. Not much Endgame Equip.
    I only have some Reoutation Equip from Omega and Romulan.

    My current weapon set is based on Romulan-Plasma Beambanks. (6 Banks, 1 Experimantal Bank and die Cutting Beam)
    As it is easy to get these Romulan Weapons and because i like Plasma-Disruptor Hybrids i want to stick to them.

    What i need form you guys is some advice how to develop my char and ship.
    Do you have some recommendations for equip i should head for and where i can get them?
