Posts by Trebor Riordan

    Im not sure how many star wars galaxies (or star wars for that matter) fans there are on here. but i would like to let you all know that the emulators for both the Pre-New Game Enhancments, and Post-New Game Enhancments are being worked on at the moment. the Pre-NGE is a little further along then the Post-NGE. But they are moving along at a slow but steady pace. Alot of things are in discussion of what can be put into the games once they are finished (New Ships, New Weapons, Hell Maybe Even New Planets!

    But they are in need of more help to bring these Games up to the Level they once were.

    If anyone is interested Please Visit these Sites.

    Pre-NGE SWGEmu Forums

    Post-NGE Index page • ProjectSWG Emulator - Resurrecting the Galaxy

    things like that will need to be done at some piont yes right now we need landscapes down to place the buildings, trees, cactuses, etc, etc. so yes we could use that but if you can do landscapes we would very much appreciate it. i have a friend working on the landscape of st louis, missouri. the whole gameworld is going to be the mississippi river to the pacific coast and each map is going to be a county or city in each state.

    is there anyone out there who can help on this project? theres plenty of room weve got 4 on writing and creative design, 3 on graphics and texturing, 2 on Coding, and we need sound engineers. the goal is to have 20 people on this project. if this project gos well, then we could have a series going here. for those who are history buffs this is the project of your dreams.

    as my friend stated i need a devolopment team on this project graphic designers, coders, sound design, you name it and we could probably fit you in some where. the limit is 20 for now there might be room down the road so dont get discouraged if yo dont get picked. if this project succeeds then we could be talking about expanding.