Posts by Vo

    As I said above, regular cloaks are cheep. Real cloaks..(one I

    made)) Runs on your power plant and as soon as you fire you become uncloaked.

    So? Ive done that once, Big deal. Maybe

    if people dont come crying to the forums like the rest of them, we would haveto go through

    all this. Ahh, but who am I to say what you are to do and not to do. :D Have fun m8 Good

    luck, lass.[550]

    Vo-New DC member :D

    Oh YES!! It can Here everyone Look for yourself

    --- Shroud


    Alliance Prototype Light Fighter

    Sqdr. Commander

    1.6 tons



    (at default Power setting)
    400 km/sec

    Afterburner Fuel:


    20 secs


    Gun Energy:
    140 units

    2 Proton cannons



    Spectral shields
    Reverse thrust
    Blind fire

    Woah,scrolling down the missiles collom on the SLR site and Bam what do I see a

    missile that can shoot Cloaked ships. Is this sugjesting that my Favorate ship can cloak?

    Dont you think,Towards the end

    of the first relese of the mod and the begining of the seccond relese of the mod ((witch may

    be a long ways away)) there would be an event where Sleeperships would launch from earth and

    the Coalation allience Grand battle will be held near earth. If the Sleeper Ships break

    through the baracade and make it to/ A small bit past pluto The Allience would Win, I dont

    know Controal of the earth secrtor in the upcoming mod relase or get another system for

    themselfves (( I know earth would seem logical but it would interfear with the storyline

    just a tad)) And if the Coalation wins same eccept vice-versa?

    Ps- If you need any

    help,Give me a ring. Im good at Systems Factions, and basic Gameplay Addations. (( Ive made

    a few mods in my day 17 accually, for independant servers, If your ever scrolling down te

    server list and see a server with version 999.87 or some like that that was me :D))

    Uhh Uhhh Uhhh.... I dont know who he is.... Uh Uhhh... Uhhhhh.....Uhhhhhh -Sneeks

    away- Heh He He -Looks back to find he is being chased by forum members- Ack! [85]