Posts by Dax Antrim

    I still play EVE and I have a monocle just like that =D

    I don't have much isk though, gambled away my entire 27 billion isk fortune on Somer Blink. Damn that website.

    Try to look on the positive side. At least Jumpgate Evolution never got released, that would potentially have taken quite a bit of the FL playerbase away, being a similar style game but newer ^_^ However, Black Prophecy WAS released, and having played it myself, I can confirm quite a few of the playerbase were previously multiplayer FL gamers. It's very, very similar, good graphics and it's free. I also find it very weird and annoying.

    I used to be extremely active under the name Ryzune, I remember being temporarily banned at least once and being chased through several systems by CFPD, amongst other groups.

    I do agree with the aging and priorities changing theory however. I was 16 years old when I used to play, I'm now 22, I have my own house, I'm married and I have a son. Battlefield 3 also has something to do with it.

    I used to be known for getting things moving I guess lol. Been quite a few years since I last played, a lot of the regular names appear to be gone on the forums ^_^