Posts by MarcusWalker

    Thanks to my two heroes I made it out of this "interessting" Sector.

    Ok, after getting help I can say it is possible to escape and the idea is really not bad (but pls see advice below). Most important is to get yourself a pen&paper and draw map/sketch then you are able to find your own way out of this system.

    Shame on me I needed help. Next time I'll try to keep my patience, think twice and follow my own advice (pen&paper).

    One advice for the developers: A small hint within the sector-description would be desirable or a warning before entering this system.

    I give up. Who ever can help me out of that "funny" (wtf) System may send me a PM please.

    And who ever thought this would be a funny idea, i can tell it's not (or i don't get the humour)!
