Posts by Ferodaktyl

    hehe, this are normal ways to die...
    While returning from IC (yep, my first IC trip), i entered the wondrous, marvelous, dizzieous Hyperspace. I took a good look in front of my ship, and i saw the exit, or what it seemed to be the exit. A little round hole at the far end of a red rotating tunnel. Good. And so i went. And went. And went... and went some more. After which i went. And went. I think days passed. At moments the tunnel changed around me. Yet i still went. Finally, i died. Just like that. I think i've discovered the end of universe, and felt out of it.
    Of course, next time i just took the JH next to me. (TY Hero).

    well... it kind of worked... the sow entered the lane and exits after 20k, i go back for it to enter formation again and now we are cruising at 80 toward earth ( 130k away) from inside the asteroid belt. ETA to earth - tomorrow morning?!?

    Was this supposed to happen?

    There seems to be a problem with the convoy escort mission (M23 Chap4) , when i reach Jupiter and must escort them to Earth, the convoy just stops about 4-5k from the waypoint (which shows the Jupiter-Earth Lane), usually right after the Hessians atack. If i go alone to earth, the mission waypoint changes to the transport and when i form with Ghost transport the waypoint changes back to the lane, but the transport still doesnt move.
    I tried reloading, both from mission beginning and from autosave, including restarting the game and the computer, with the same results.( once the transport kept circling the waypoint). So it sems i'm stuck here.
    Any help would be greatly appreciated.