Posts by AFX

    doesnt matter if you're using 64 bit OS. As freelancer is 32 bit and i am using 32 bit for the development you have to use the 32 bit versions.
    Use the dependency walker and load the freelancer.exe into it. It reports what dlls are missing. We once had that an iemsh (or similar) was missing too. Then it seems you need to install the redistributional of Visual Basic.

    All a guess so far as i am not really sure whats going on on your end of the line. Sorry for not being more safe - but doing it step by step seems to be the only solution that i can offer...

    I understand! well the walker program says I'm missing:


    Warning: At least one delay-load dependency module was not found.
    Warning: At least one module has an unresolved import due to a missing export function in a delay-load dependent module.

    us the 32bit version please... its not important on what system you run your software its dependent for what system the software is made for. And in this case its 32 bit ;)

    Tried that one before the 64 bit one actually:P
    No effect.

    (btw I have Windows 7 64 bit)

    i am not entirely sure what could cause this - but you could try this download from Microsoft.
    Download Details - Microsoft Download Center - Visual C++ 2005 SP1 Redistributable Package (x86)

    Install it please and try it again. It could be that a missing dll is causing the hang (normally crash). I am aware of this problem and am working to fix it. Unfortunate i wasnt lucky yet with it. So it could be that on some PCs this must be installed.

    I installed the update ((the 64 bit one) but unfortunatily it still hung.

    what means get stuck? It crashes or the game just hangs and do nothing. Do you actually see the wallpaper or you dont?
    For me it takes a while till the menu appears. FL is loading some data - so it could be that eventually.

    The game just hangs. THen when I open task manager it says that the game is not responding. But the game does work on the intel HD3000 graphics...

    I have a problem that still persists. I posted about them earlier.

    I have this laptop:

    8 GB memory
    500GB HDD
    Intel HD3000/Geforce GT540M optimus technology

    The first time I ever installed crossfire 1.9 I tried to launch the game using the geforce card. It loads the wallpaper video thingy and when it wants to load the still wallpaper (before the start menu) the game gets stuck.

    I tried numerous driver versions of the geforce including two official WHQL drivers and one beta driver. All still the same result.
    I can play the game when I point it out to the Intel HD3000, but the FPS are pretty slow then.

    Today I reinstalled my laptop completely:

    Installed W7 Home Premium
    Installed latest Windows Updates
    Installed all the latest drivers
    Installed the latest DirectX9
    For the geforce drivers I use the latest offical ones. 180.26

    Then I installed freelancer and crossfire using the guide here on CF.
    Activation I changed nothing. The shaders were on. The game just got stuck again.

    Then I removed everything and installed everything back. Now I deactivated the advanced shaders, but the problem still exist and can't play the game.
    I also tried compability modus to W XP, but the same effect.

    So I think there is a conflict between the CF game and the geforce card/driver, but I have no idea's anymore...

    Does anybody have more tips?

    I still have problems starting freelancer when I use the GT540M card. on the intel HD3000 freelancer runs fine moest of the time.

    I have already tried three nvidia drivers en reinstalled freelancer/crossfire multiple times. What else could it be?

    Have you tried to clean out your registry after installing the display drivers?
    I run Win7 as well with a GeForce GTS450 and the latest available drivers. No Problem recognized here.
    You might also try to run the last non-beta drivers for your Graphics instead. The difference should not be that much (if even recognizable at all)
    What optionally settings did you use during the activation for 1.9 ?
    Reffering to this link of activation instructions especially the points 10 - 12 and 14 - 16.

    I first tried with the official 275 driver version of geforce. That didn't work. Then I skipped the official 280 and went directly to the beta version. Also the game got stuck. And with 10-12 and 14-16. I have them exactly installed like on the page.

    I could try the newest non-beta ones but i doubt it will work properly. Tha game runs fine on HD3000 but I havent gone to really 'busy' systems yet.

    The main crossfire game

    Windows 7
    Intel HD3000/Geforce GT540M
    Running the latest beta geforce drivers

    Crossfire mod works with the HD3000, but when I want to have it starting with GT540m it does actually start, When the first intro has finished the game simply stays stuck at a dark purple screen.

    And I was not able to connect to multiplayer just now.