Posts by Smashing

    I was about to ask the same...

    His not a pirate hes a smuggler right? you didnt check if he was carrying ilegal commodies so you attack him ooRP, and even use nanos :aok:

    The aliens idea was great... but you didnt act very well Mr. :police:

    So another thread, same topic and same people.

    A guy post, theres no respect for opinions, flames everywhere, off topic, inquisition guys come clean the threads :strafe: .

    let me guess tomorrow another thread same topic and same people...

    First of all congratulations for the beautifull mod. i am really enjoy it.

    i have a few question althougth:

    1- It was introduced a new mining ship. it has 700 cargo and a mining laser. I enter in an asteroid field but the laser only fired a forward bean and it is almost impossible to hit a rock to mine. So after this what is the benefits of using a ship with 700 cargo for mining instead a train with 2500 cargo?

    I ve seen in other freelancer mods that each asteroid has a huge rock and only the mining laser can destroy it and then we can colect.

    2- there is a repair ship in vespus that can hold 3500 nanobots/batteries... Problem is that we can only buy 200 nanobots/batteries each time we dock.

    This ship also has a repair laser and it can only be fired forward. i still didnt test it, but can the laser really repair a ship? at least a huge ship like a BS since is more easy to aim.

    Hi there.
    I am a veteran in freelancer but just a few months ago i discover this great mod. I played several mods but this one seems to be quite big and fun to play.
    I address you with a few question.
    Do i have to sell my batleship or soulforge train before 1,9? Some players say i may have a currupt id/char and lose all?
    Does the counter for the next release in the server pager real?
    thanks for your time.