Posts by Tensing

    The Problem is a bit more complex... If you have a widescreen and don't use FOV 90 you have a disadvantage ( everything moves faster ). If you use FOV 90 you have an advantage ( you see more due to broader monitor ). So both ways someone loses.

    There is no easy solution to this, since no wide screen user wants to play with a crappy image. And no 4:3 User wants to have a disadvantage either...
    Like Verbose said, in many PvP based FPS games, this was an option made by every user as they pleased.

    And making this able for all players, would at least be a way where noone could critisize another person. Since everyone has the same possibilities...

    BTW you can't turn faster... the ship has the maximum angular velocity when the cursor is on the edge of the screen. And this velocity is determined in another ini file!

    Since my post in General Discussion lead to such high emotions, and the thread was closed, I would like to make a suggestion in this matter for 1.9.
    You could implement a wider variety of camera settings ingame. Like Height, Angle, FOV. Maybe for PvP it's true that one specific setting would be somewhat optimal,
    but in every other situation, you could find a thing that suits everyone of you.

    And if this would lead to more gun usage, ( I don't know if there is an agenda for weapon balance in pvp? ) then just change damage values ( if there is an Agenda )

    So everybody would have the exact same possibilities!

    One last remark, for people who play with widescreen monitors, any enemy ship moves faster with standard FOV 70 settings ( real more cm/s ). Consider that as a serious disadvantage, and I would bet my *** that this makes a difference too.
    Just run this example into the extreme where FOV 70 is streched to about 180 actual FOV if you sit in front of your PC. You wouldn't see a thing... Like sitting in first row in an action movie...

    I managed to fix the viewing position in turretview. The ship still looks ugly as hell :-D
    But unfortunately I encountered a bug ( ? )

    If you use "pitch down/up" , "turn left/right" bound to anykey, for example the arrow keys, to steer your ship in turret view, then after a few seconds the controls get stuck.
    Get stuck means you just fly straight forward, pressing the steering buttons won't do anything... You can switch back to normal view (3rd-person) and back to turretview to get them working again, but thats just annoying.
    Anybody encountered the same problem?

    You did not understand my problem :-D
    I know how to switch to turret view, i just want to change the camera angle/view point in turretview. So that i see my ship out of a greater distance and my crosshair is not located behind my ship. There are values to change in the cockpit ini of the given ship, but changes i make there do not work!

    Hey Guys,

    i was trying to alter the camera setting for the turretview. Because i can't see anything except my ship... But nothing seems to work. Can anyone tell me how to get the camera at a greater Distance, and slightly above the Ship? Like in 3rd person View?
    I would be really glad if someone knew a solution...

    Best Regards Tensing