Posts by Ravenguard

    Sorry, in that case forget it.

    Most probably there was something wrong with my pc. Between the time in which the Dom Kavash gave me the coordinates and the time of the failed mission error passed no more of 10 seconds for sure, and I thought that I have to wait the comunication between me and the Dom for story purposes.

    @Martind: never tried to fight 3 savage cruisers, I was trusting around like a butterfly waiting for the Dom to save me :D

    As always thanks for the mod and the reply. Only another question, in case I want to spend the money piling up is possible to finish the single player with a cruiser or I will need to dock with station that allowed only fighter?


    sorry to bother you with another issue but I cannot complete this mission.

    As soon as my ship is ambushed by savage cruisers and help by Dom Kavash I receive a massage of "mission failed, you didn't leave the combat". I swear, I am heading at maximum cruise speed as soon as I receive the new waypoint coordinates so maybe I am missing something.

    Where do I have to go to leave this combat?

    Hi, I have a problem with the mission for Utopia. I am in Omega 41 searching the Jump hole for Utopia but in F3 there is nothing. I have to admit that I sol the Blackboxes of the previous mission. Is it important? Am I missing something? Is The entrance of the system somewhere else?

    Thank you in advance for the help. Till now the Mod is amazing!

    Sorry My mistake!

    This is not a technical issue, it is me that I am a stupid and a noob.

    Thanks to the explanation of another member (thank you again Lanceralex) I discovered that in my hurry to fill all the spaces in my ship I managed to have enough money to buy a licence (mercenary thinking that I will take more bounty selling prisoners) during last mission without knowing that are usefull only online. Mounting a licence in the single player automatically make your ship to be struck in every dock.

    I am really sorry for the time that you lost. Please use my case as a first suggestion for people with the same issue in the single player game.

    Thanks again to everyone

    Hi, same issue with redemption... this damn ship doesn't fit anywhere and cost a fortune!

    Please try to find a solution I am stuck in the middle of the game.

    Thank you very much for your efforts. Don't taking into consideration this issue the work done is amazing!

    Hello, I am playing a Sp campaign because my internet connection is very poor and so I can' t play online games. Now I am finally arrived in the Dom Kavash systems in the inner core and my rep with the Dom Kavash is neutral but my Osiris class battleship can' t dock with their stations. Did I miss something or simply they don' t have Mooring rings?
    Sorry for awful english and thanks to anyone who will answer me.