Posts by Octavius

    has anyone had good luck with Roller Ball mouse's ??

    i have a temporary hand and elbow problem and am looking to switch to one.

    Are they any good for FL. or are they just a gimmick??

    thank you to al l who left messages!!

    My forums name i wont change,but everyso often i like to ..either add to my name or change it completly just for fun.

    Ill remeber a old name that i like ,and depending on the ship and the RP mood im in.ill change it..

    But if i cant chnge it here.ill just have to iive with it beening plain..

    again thank you to all!!

    are ytou saying i f i ad a T fo rtrader in my name i loose all my mapping iv done up to that point?

    Or if i join a clan and change name i loose all the mapping iv done,and have to go back and map it again??

    so then im behind in the clan again??

    im just being sure im hearing this right..

    why is it done this way?? just asking politly..

    im sorry if i made it seem like a problem with this Mod.

    I didnt mean to imply that.

    And i dont want to change anything..

    did it sound that way??

    i realy like this mod and the forums !!

    Its a very refreshing Mod !

    Keep up the good work everyone!!

    maybe i didnt word that right.

    if you join a clan or want to add charecters to your name.

    Like if i wanted to add .. Lord in front of Octavius..

    how do i go about doing that?

    How do i change name for the mod if i dont like it?

    Or even add to it?

    Iv played on another server before this, and there was a " / " command for it.

    I couldnt seem to find it on the forums here.

    anyone ??

    and thank you for your time!!