Posts by Beta-5


    you did what!?!?

    thats just..........disturbing.......... (@)___(@)

    What i like freelancer

    and star wars im not crazy.

    Del- I dont make fun of you ?(

    Look. Find the first data disk in nephele. Then youl understand. There is no story

    line or missions. You just read the Messages in the data disk and thats it. Theyl Lead you

    to The Altair system's. death valey is a cord in The incoming transmision measgae says the

    system is onknown but the cords are in their. There is a STORY as in reading Tesxt if you

    folow the data disks. Another words the the story is about Jack blince finding some data.

    And the spliting it up in to 3 didks. He hid them. They tel where a warp gate is. It leads

    to Altair. From there the story ends As you will find Jack Blinches Ship on fire. The end.

    No Missions no nothing. Just the cords to a warp hole. Thats all. Just reading the Info on

    comodities.(the data disk) The deathvalley datadisk Just sells for alot. No text to read

    about it.

    Baldwin- Make that Ten milion and 1 threads :D I just explained it


    Its ok. Ive played it 40

    times with no mods and 20 times with. and never dyed.(Exept with mods :D ). I know alot

    about Freelancer. (I painted Tua 31 on my ceiling. And stenciled X3043's Nomad cross On a

    nother wal :D )

    Im obsesd with freelancer!!!! (Mostly starwars though....Have 3456

    figurs on shelves :P )

    I can dock 10k away and its still the size as a large astroid? I dont have to fly into

    it or nothing. simple click on it then presss F3.

    O_o Dude HAve you played freelancer?? If not i would play The Normal freelancer

    Storyline first. THEN play crossfire. You should no where rochestor base is. Its the Junkers

    bast in the debre fild He didn't mean the rochestor system, Thers nuch such thing! Welcom

    to :D


    = coleseom Empire=Ceaser The whole plot of Star Wars was based on rome. Republic falling

    apart and so on

    Sry off topic but i cant resist it when Star Wars comes up


    So dont mention SW again Op (or ill go on for verer about the stats of an AT-AT

    (All Terain Amored Transport)

    IT is Not atack Transport. I see people call it that

    everywhere n [3]

    Yeah they dont sound that enteligent(sigh) only if they got help they waldn't be flameing

    other people and steallling other peoples Mods (nother sigh) Well thats life

    [eek2] [eek2] [eek2] [eek2] [eek2] [eek2] [eek2]


    What th h*** are you guys thinking!!! Ive never seen that muc stupidity in

    my life!!!! [UC]UPyourAss that name is just lame. Look at yourselfs your acting like[906]


    If you dont like the md than go away. This is POINTLess Any way when OP sees what

    you wrote [42]

    You guys are sad.... MOD means Modifacation (duh)


    Nice LInk Pandora :D