Posts by manolaros

    Καλώς ήρθατε ;]

    ^ lol^
    so center of the ring works to cool to know ty

    Faaby: yeah i was sayn that ther is a way to evoid flyn to the next docking ring

    P.S i have noticed that my post is not in the right place i hope it can be moved to CF forume before ppl start pickng on me :D

    Edit: wasnt shor of what l1an mented by sayn center of the ring and i try center of both rings but it didnt work, docking in the other ring (with the red lights) works beter , and i am talking abot the TL rings that even if you aim the ship perfectly it moves to the side and hit the ring (and only for those).
    Any tips on shooting small ships will be nice i am having hard time with it :D

    i am on a BS for a day and i noticed that if it fails on a docking ring and then try dock on the upcoming ring and not on the ongoing (the one with the red lights) it docks and i dont have to fligh on the next ring i dont have many flight hours on it but it work fine so far.

    P.S feel free to coment or give more tips as i say i am on it for a day and i do have problems with small targets

    P.S-2 sry abot my englesh but my greeks are not greater ither so i cant use any translaitor