Max Payne 2

  • Bullet Time. Taken straight from the Matrix. Slapped down into a excellent form of game play, with sleek control, a twisting storyline, and a loveable moody atmosphere. Now imagine that, but doubled. Doubled the Payne double the fun.

    If you've never played Max Payne then you've been living under a rock for the last 2 years, and the long awaited sequel has hit the shelves this Chirstmas.

    I tell you, if you enjoyed the last game then you'll love this. I've only played about an hour so far, and I'm already mesmerised by everything in it. The looks, the sounds, the story. You pick up right were you left off, as you start to explore the REAL Max Payne. I dont want to give too much away, so all I can say is PLAY THIS GAME!!!

    Score:- 92%


    "Where is the Horse and the Rider?
    Where is the Horn that was blown?
    It has passed like rain on the mountains,
    like wind in the meadows

    The days have gone down in the west,
    Behind the hills to shadow"
    [SIZE=1]JRR Tolkien[/SIZE]