2D nutty, hip shoot’em-up game

There is 1 reply in this Thread. The last Post () by Hipsters vs Zombies.

  • Hi everyone,

    I'm Silgare (Community Manager at Arpic Games) Today I've got some exciting news for you! Recently arrived from the post-apocalyptic world of "Hipsters vs. Zombies" game, we want to announce you that we are now on Kickstarter! :applaus:

    In just 24 hours, 56 awesome backers sent us a total amount of $3925. That's more than we expected; but, as you can guess, we're not going to stop :tot:
    We've just started getting crazy! :walklike::walklike::walklike:

    An(other) unexpected zombie outbreak has brought the city to its knees. Society has collapsed to a nightmare state, and only the fittest or the luckiest have a chance of surviving this ordeal. Our protagonists fall on the latter camp. This group of fashionistas, together by trend rather than friendship, survived the apocalypse thanks to watching a four-hour unknown Austrian film with no subtitles at an arthouse cinema. Even zombies have standards! Luck will have them join a group of hardened survivors, who will see their resilience put to the test thanks to our main characters’ utter dumbness.

    Hipsters vs. Zombies is a side-scrolling shoot’em-up-2D- Run & Gun. And, no, it’s no fluke. We were looking for the perfect match between our idea and what is well considered nowadays as, you know, vintage stuff. And so we did. Our main purpose has always been to provide the players with a real fun experience. To get this, we took reference from games such as Guacamelee, Metal Slug, Contra, Super Time Force Ultra, Cybernator or Gunstar Heroes. Classic (and not so classic) arcade games have always been an inspiration to us, because we grew up with them throughout the nineties, just during their fall and the consequent rise of video game consoles.



    An(other) unexpected zombie outbreak has brought the city to its knees. Society has collapsed to a nightmare state, and only the fittest or the luckiest have a chance of surviving this ordeal. Our protagonists fall on the latter camp.

    This group of fahionistas, together by trend rather than friendship, survived the apocalypse thanks to watching a four-hour unknown Austrian film with no subtitles at an arthouse cinema. Even zombies have standards! Luck will have them join a group of hardened survivors, who will see their resilience put to the test thanks to our main characters’ utter dumbness.

    You can find more information in our Kickstarter game page.

    Any feedback or question about the game is appreciated :give_heart:

    Thanks in advance,


  • Hi Warbucks addicts, we have a request for you... We’re live on Greenlight and we need your help to be on Steam!! Please go to our Greenlight page HERE and upvote us!!

    But, what's Steam Greenlight? searching the internet with Explorer 6.0 we found out "It's a way to help picking new games for Steam. Here you can browse through the entries and rate up the games you want to see made available via Steam. That's how they get the Steam community involved in the game selection process".

    Do it before it becomes mainstream.

    Hipsters vs Zombies on GreenLight