Doom 3 Performance - ATI Fights Back

  • A long time before HardOCP went and released its report on Doom 3 performance, any

    gamer asked would have told you that nVidia boards will perform better, justifying the

    response by claiming that the deal between iD and the graphics giant guarantees superior

    performance on nVidia based systems.

    Strangely enough the HardOCP article seems to

    ignore the special relationship and at times seems slightly taken-in by the results

    produced. Recommendations that ATI needs to implement changes to its product line based on

    the results of the Doom 3 tests may seem a bit drastic and may be the reason ATI has decided

    to respond to the results obtained on the HardOCP report.

    In response to an enquiry

    by Team Radeon, ATIs Chris Hook has suggested that since the game has not been officially

    released yet, we shouldn't rush to any conclusions and quickly manages to get an innuendo

    in, regarding nVidia's use of partial precision. He goes on to add We expect to have

    updated drivers available in the coming weeks. Mr. Hook clearly expects the introduction of

    the new drivers to play an important part in performance upgrade, although he does not

    mention exactly how that improvement will come about.

    Chris Hook goes on to suggest

    that ATIs performance, although below nVidia's, is not all that bad in the HardOCP report

    and that even iDs John Carmack said that there's more to consider than just frame rate...

    ATIs man goes on to mention, again, the use of partial precision by some of our

    competitors... and how ATI would never ever consider using PP.
    Strangely enough Mr. Hook

    goes on to mention that most games will run faster on ATI cards, indirectly telling us that

    Doom 3 is not the only game out there (Half-Life 2 is not clearly mentioned). It does sound

    like ATI is telling us that the frame rates produced by the article may be improved upon

    slightly but that we shouldn't expect much more and that we should look forward to other

    titles if we wish to reaffirm our belief in ATI


    Team Radeon ||


    ardOCP Report