GameCube EyeToy to Copy People

  • The patent office has revealed another gem today but this time the news originates in Japan. Nintendo has recently submitted a variety of trademark filings to Japanese authorities. Most are not even slightly comprehensible but a couple have created tantalizing speculation.

    Peach Hime, one of the phrases submitted, means Princess Peach and does suggest a possible spin-off title for Mario's supporting character.

    The most interesting filings however, are those which involve the words Camera and Copy. The Japanese console giant has requested that the phrases Manebito/Camera and Ningen-Copy/Manebito, be trademarked. The interest arises from the fact that the word Manebito translates as imitator and Ningen-copy to person-copy.

    A phrase describing a camera that imitates or mimics a person would create suspicion that Nintendo may be after the success Sony has experienced with EyeToy. The company also trademarked a few images, one of which is to your right, which seem to re-enforce the assumption that the trademark refers to some form of camera which will be operated out of the GameCube and will, somehow, allow the player to enter the game.

    Nintendo however, has a strong desire to be seen as an innovator and pioneer so the introduction of an EyeToy device would be extremely unlikely. What is more likely is that the GameCube will get a peripheral that will enhance players interaction with the game and knowing the company's record for producing exciting gaming ideas we can't help but look forward to the Ningen-copy/Manebito.