Sins of a Solar Empire v1.17 and Entrenchment v1.03 Released

  • <center><img src="" alt="Image Hosted by"/>
    [size=6]Sins of a Solar Empire v1.17 and Entrenchment v1.03 Released[/size]
    [size=1]By Yarlen Posted June 11, 2009 14:20:45[/size]</center>

    Ironclad Games and Stardock announces the release of Sins of a Solar Empire v1.17 and Sins of a Solar Empire: Entrenchment v1.03. The updates for both games are now available via Impulse for all registered customers.

    The updates include:

    [size=4]+[/size] Rebalanced all races' carrier cruisers to help prevent "kiting" around the gravity well.

    [size=4]+[/size] Improved pathfinding in regards to travelling between gravity wells.

    [size=4]+[/size] Updated Marza Dreadnought's Missile Barrage ability to last longer while doing less damage; also updated particle fx.

    [size=4]+[/size] Improved ICO support for non-English character sets.

    [size=4]+[/size] Fixed issues related to the zoom-to-cursor functionality when attempting to zoom into a small target.

    [size=4]+[/size] Entrenchment - Rebalanced Advent Transcencia Starbase's Final Judgement ability.

    [size=4]+[/size] Entrenchement - Reduced the Advent Transcencia Starbases' Meteor Storm area of effect.

    [size=4]+[/size] Entrenchment - Added the ability to queue starbase upgrades for starbases that are under construction.

    The complete patch details can be found here:

    Sins 1.17:

    Entrenchment 1.03:

    <hr />
    Can anyone put this to frontpage?