Metal Gear Solid : Twin Snakes REVIEW

There is 1 reply in this Thread. The last Post () by Psycho^Hauge.

  • It has finally arrived through my letterbox. I grab it, tear off the packaging and dash into my room, and switch on my Gamecube, fubbling around as I insert the disc.

    Only one word to describe it. Beautiful.

    Im a veteran from the original version for this game, Metal Gear Solid, which i owned a coppy for my PC. OK so the graphics werent fantastic, but the gameplay was awesome. Hold that thought, and now improve the graphics, and increase the amount of abilities, and slap it onto 2 GameCube discs. There we have it. A masterpiece of a game.

    You have most of the new abilities that you gained in MGS2 (hanging, , and the awesome storyline is still there. The cinematics have been vastly improved as well, with them being extended, and being much more action packed and gory :D

    For those that have never played any Metal Gear games before I pity you. The basic story is you are Solid Snake, a hero from several conflicts in the past. You have been called in to rescue 2 hostages from the hands of terrorists in the forim Next generation special forces, and special operations unit FOXHOUND. The terroists are threatneing to launch a nucleur weapon, if there demands are not met - they want the human remains of 1 of the greatest soldiers ever.

    Thats all Im going to say. Its a fantastic game, and Im off to play some more of it now!

    Score:- 90%


    "Where is the Horse and the Rider?
    Where is the Horn that was blown?
    It has passed like rain on the mountains,
    like wind in the meadows

    The days have gone down in the west,
    Behind the hills to shadow"
    [SIZE=1]JRR Tolkien[/SIZE]