Starcraft: Ghost

There are 7 replies in this Thread. The last Post () by Xspyder^.

  • If you are new in the universe of Starcraft, then you dont know what you have been missing. Superb storytelling strategy game, bring to life by master storytellers. The universe of Starcraft is set in the distance future, and that future is grim. The Earth is ruled under the despotic rule of the UED (United Earth Diretore) and they have sent a project to the far breaches of space in the fringe worlds of our known universe. The problem is that we are not alone. They discover another 2 allien races that are engage each other as each race fight for supremancy and survival at the same time. The Zerg are reptilian insect geneicaly evolve with metagenic abilities. The Protos is highly empathic with telepathic and psionic abilities. The story is highly engaging and is character driven and because of the big success they have win many awards. This game, Ghost is part of the Starcraft universe and is based on the covert operatons agent the humans used on the telepaths and they call them Ghost. Visit my thread and enjoy a game that will be releashed in all platforms.


    Wing leader of the CSP

    *This is my world, and you are just living in it!*

  • umm isnt ghost only for consoles?

    well it was 6 months ago....

    Q: On what platforms will StarCraft: Ghost be available?
    A: A: StarCraft: Ghost will be available on the Xbox, GameCube and Playstation® 2.

    Q: Will there be a PC and Mac version?
    A: No. StarCraft: Ghost is only being developed for console systems.

    oh well, friggen traitors just like black isle

  • There is gonna be a PC version for Ghost, Ave.
    Trust me on this. Blizzard has succeed because of the PC. Not because of the console. Look at the games they have in their lists, and the universes they have created. All the success has come from the PC. Period.

    Wing leader of the CSP

    *This is my world, and you are just living in it!*