Starting August 20th, four new Support Carriers are being made available in the C-Store. Upgrades of much-loved Federation and Klingon starships are joined by all new vessels in the Dominion and Romulan ship lineage. These starships will be available in both Non-Fleet and Fleet variants. This release marks Star Trek Online’s second-ever bundle with starships from four different factions, and the second time a T6 Science Carrier has been sold in the C-Store. Quite an exciting opportunity indeed! Special Introductory Pricing Discount! From August 20th at 8am PT (17:00 CEST) until August 24th at 10am PT (19:00 CEST), you can get these ships for 2400 ZEN each when purchased individually, or a bundle with all four ships, four Fleet Ship modules, and 5 Master Keys for the price of 8000 ZEN! Thereafter, they will return to their normal pricing at 3000 ZEN when purchased individually, or 10,000 ZEN for the Bundle. Fleet versions of each of these starships will unlock upon completing your Fleet Starbase’s Tier 3 Shipyard. The standard Fleet Module discounts apply if you have purchased the ships from the C-Store. Without further ado, here are the stats on these exciting new starships!\ Caitian Aspero Support Carrier [T6] The Aspero-class Support Carrier is a powerful upgrade to the Atrox-class platform. This carrier is capable of adopting to multiple roles, thanks to the flexibility offered by its massive twin hangar bays. As is necessary to command so many small craft, the starship features immense networking and sensor capabilities. All of this is contained by a potent structural integrity field and substantial shielding. Ship Details: Faction: Starfleet and Starfleet-aligned Tier: 6 Required Rank: Must complete tutorial Hull Strength: 1.4 (scales with level) Shield Modifier: 1.25 Fore Weapons: 3 (scales with level) Aft Weapons: 3 (scales with level) Device Slots: 4 Bridge Officer Stations : 1 Lieutenant Commander Tactical, 1 Lieutenant Commander Engineering, 1 Commander Science, 1 Lieutenant Commander Universal/Command Console Modifications: 3 Tactical, 3 Engineering 4 Science Base Turn Rate: 5 degrees per second Impulse Modifier: 0.15 Inertia: 20 Subsystem Targeting +10 Shield Power, +10 Aux Power Can Load Dual Cannons Console – Universal – High-Energy Communications Network Hangar Bays: 2 Hangar Bay loaded with Caitian Stalker Fighter Squadron Hangar Bay loaded with Caitian Support Frigates Starship Ability Package (Carrier) Quick Deployment (-Hangar Pet Recharge Time) Armored Hull (+Max Hull HP) Reactive Shield Technology (+Shield Regen/Hardness) Advanced Shield Systems (+Max Shield HP) Starship Trait - Relaunch and Repair Vo’devwl Support Carrier [T6] The Vo’devwl Support Carrier is a powerful upgrade to the Vo’Quv-class. This carrier is capable of adopting to multiple roles, thanks to the flexibility offered by its massive twin hangar bays, although like any Klingon Vessel, it was designed with a strong inclination towards combat. As is necessary to command so many small craft, the starship features immense networking and sensor capabilities. All of this is contained by a potent structural integrity field and substantial shielding, and hidden as necessary by a powerful cloaking device. Ship Details: Faction: Klingon and Klingon-aligned Tier: 6 Required Rank: Must complete tutorial Hull Strength: 1.45 (scales with level) Shield Modifier: 1.2 Fore Weapons: 3 (scales with level) Aft Weapons: 3 (scales with level) Device Slots: 4 Bridge Officer Stations : 1 Lieutenant Commander Tactical, 1 Lieutenant Commander Engineering, 1 Commander Science, 1 Lieutenant Commander Universal/Command Console Modifications: 3 Tactical, 3 Engineering 4 Science Base Turn Rate: 5 degrees per second Impulse Modifier: 0.15 Inertia: 20 Subsystem Targeting +10 Weapons Power, +10 Aux Power Can Load Dual Cannons Cloaking Device Console – Universal – High-Energy Communications Network Hangar Bays: 2 Hangar Bay loaded with To'Duj Fighter Squadron Hangar Bay loaded with Ning'tao Support Frigate Starship Ability Package (Carrier) Quick Deployment (-Hangar Pet Recharge Time) Armored Hull (+Max Hull HP) Reactive Shield Technology (+Shield Regen/Hardness) Advanced Shield Systems (+Max Shield HP) Starship Trait - Relaunch and Repair Ra’nodaire Support Carrier Warbird [T6] The Ra’nodaire-class Support Carrier Warbird is an imposing, powerful Carrier Warbird. One of the largest starships to ever leave a Romulan Fleetyard – or any fleetyard for that matter – it is a strong and versatile presence anywhere it goes. As is necessary to command so many small craft, the starship features immense networking and sensor capabilities. All of this is contained by a potent structural integrity field and substantial shielding, and hidden as necessary by a powerful battle cloaking device. Ship Details: Faction: Any Tier: 6 Required Rank: Must complete tutorial Hull Strength: 1.4 (scales with level) Shield Modifier: 1.25 Fore Weapons: 3 (scales with level) Aft Weapons: 3 (scales with level) Device Slots: 4 Bridge Officer Stations : 1 Lieutenant Commander Tactical, 1 Lieutenant Commander Engineering, 1 Commander Science, 1 Lieutenant Commander Universal/Command Console Modifications: 3 Tactical, 3 Engineering 4 Science Base Turn Rate: 5 degrees per second Impulse Modifier: 0.15 Inertia: 20 Subsystem Targeting +10 Shield Power, +10 Aux Power Can Load Dual Cannons Battle Cloaking Device Console – Universal – High-Energy Communications Network Hangar Bays: 2 Hangar Bay loaded with Scorpion Fighter Squadron Hangar Bay loaded with Malem Support Frigates Singularity Warp Core 40 Base Power for All Subsystems Plasma Shockwave Quantum Absorption Warp Shadows Singularity Jump Singularity Overcharge Starship Ability Package (Carrier) Quick Deployment (-Hangar Pet Recharge Time) Enhanced Singularity Circuitry (+Singularity Gain, -Singularity Cooldown) Reactive Shield Technology (+Shield Regen/Hardness) Advanced Shield Systems (+Max Shield HP) Starship Trait - Relaunch and Repair Jem’Hadar Vanguard Support Carrier [T6] The Jem’Hadar Vanguard Support Carrier is a powerful new addition to the Dominion Fleet. Designed to support any kind of operation, with the traditional Dominion focus on warfare, this carrier features substantial hangar bay space, and the capacity to launch a wide range of carrier pets. It additionally features powerful defensive systems – Victory is Life, but victory is more easily achieved with fewer losses. As with the other ships in the Vanguard line, this starship features a pair of Vanguard Wingmen that accompany the ship into battle. Ship Details: Faction: Any Tier: 6 Required Rank: Must complete tutorial Hull Strength: 1.25 (scales with level) Shield Modifier: 1.3 Fore Weapons: 3 (scales with level) Aft Weapons: 3 (scales with level) Device Slots: 4 Bridge Officer Stations : 1 Lieutenant Commander Tactical, 1 Lieutenant Commander Engineering, 1 Commander Science, 1 Lieutenant Commander Universal/Command Console Modifications: 3 Tactical, 3 Engineering 4 Science Base Turn Rate: 5 degrees per second Impulse Modifier: 0.15 Inertia: 20 Subsystem Targeting +10 Shield Power, +10 Aux Power Can Load Dual Cannons “Vanguard Wingmen" Ship Mechanic Console – Universal – High-Energy Communications Network Hangar Bays: 2 Hangar Bay loaded with Jem'Hadar Fighter Squadron Hangar Bay loaded with Jem'Hadar Support Frigates Starship Ability Package (Carrier) Quick Deployment (-Hangar Pet Recharge Time) Armored Hull (+Max Hull HP) Reactive Shield Technology (+Shield Regen/Hardness) Advanced Shield Systems (+Max Shield HP) Starship Trait - Relaunch and Repair Admiralty Ship Details (Applies to all four ships above) ENG: 26 TAC: 26 SCI: 55 SPECIAL: -25% MAINT per SciShip Console – Universal – High-Energy Communications Network When activated, this console sends a massive burst of sensor and targeting data out, ranking up your hangar pets and disorienting all nearby enemy starships, disabling them temporarily. As it remains active, it will continue to enhance the communications network of yourself and nearby allies, granting significant bonuses to ship combat capabilities. This increased networking also aids in gaining enhanced targeting locks on nearby foes, making them more vulnerable to the incoming damage. This console additionally provides a passive boost to Auxiliary Power and Starship Structural Integrity. It can be equipped on any console, on any starship. Starship Trait - Relaunch and Repair While this trait is slotted, whenever you activate a carrier launch ability, the cooldown of your captain abilities will be reduced, and you and your carrier pets will receive a substantial boost to hull regeneration. New Support Frigate Hangar Pets In order to better enable this new line of support carriers, a new line of frigate pets was developed to aid them in their role. These powerful vessels are sturdy in their own right, with substantial defensive armaments, and a wide variety of abilities. As expected, the Romulans and Klingons outfitted their new support frigates with cloaking devices. When it came to armament, each shipyard stuck with their traditional weapon types – Tetryon for the Caitians, Plasma for the Romulans, Disruptors for the Klingons, and Polaron for the Jem’Hadar. However, the overall design is shared between the various craft. Owning the Aspero or its fleet variant will unlock purchase of the Caitian Support Frigates, and the same is true of the rest – owning a Vo’devwl or its fleet version will unlock purchase of the Ning’tao Support Frigates, owning the Ra’nodaire or Fleet Ra’nodaire will unlock purchase of the Malem Support Frigates, and owning the Vanguard Support Carrier or Fleet Vanguard Support Carrier will unlock purchase of the Jem’Hadar Support Frigates. These Frigates may be equipped on any other full Carrier you own. Each support carrier comes equipped with one of the respective frigates, and additional may be purchased from the EC Store, with Advanced and Elite versions available through the Dilithium and Fleet vendors, respectively. Support Frigate Availability: Starship Equipment Vendor Restrictions: Any Full Carrier Weapons: 2x Beam Arrays (Fore) 1x Photon Torpedo (Fore) 1x 360 Beam Array (Aft) Abilities: Scattering Field II Beams: Fire at Will I Polarize Hull II Viral Matrix I Transfer Shield Strength I Advanced Support Frigate Availability: Dilithium Store Restrictions: Any Full Carrier Weapons: 2x Beam Arrays (Fore) 1x Photon Torpedo (Fore) 1x 360 Beam Array (Aft) Abilities: Scattering Field II Beams: Fire at Will I Polarize Hull II Viral Matrix I Transfer Shield Strength I Hazard Emitters I Suppression Barrage III Elite Support Frigate Availability: Fleet Starbase Store Restrictions: Any Full Carrier Weapons: 2x Beam Arrays (Fore) 1x Dual Beam Bank (Fore) 1x Photon Torpedo (Fore) 1x 360 Beam Array (Aft) Abilities: Scattering Field III Beams: Fire at Will I Polarize Hull II Viral Matrix I Transfer Shield Strength I Hazard Emitters II Suppression Barrage III Sensor Scan I New Squadron versions of Hangar Pets In addition to the all-new Frigates pets, each of these starship comes equipped with an all new squadron version of an existing hangar pet. Unlike normal fighter pets, each fighter launched is actually a squadron of six fighters As each hangar bay can deploy six squadrons, each hangar bay is ultimately responsible for up to 36 fighters. These new versions can be purchased alongside the non-squadron versions in the same manner, with additional copies of the normal version available for Energy Credits, Advanced versions available for Dilithium, and Elite versions available through your Fleet, with the exception of the Scorpion Fighters, which remain available through the Romulan Reputation. The Caitian Aspero and its fleet version each come equipped with a Squadron of Caitian Stalker fighters – some of the fastest and stealthiest starships in the Federation, equipped with Tetryon Pulse Cannons and a Thoron Torpedo launcher. As with the existing versions of the Caitian Stalkers, Advanced and Elite versions of the Caitian Stalker Fighter Squadrons gain access to Antiproton Sweep and a Cloaking Device. The Vo’devwl and its fleet version each come equipped with a Squadron of To’Duj fighters – a set of small craft on which Klingons aspiring towards honor often find it, aided by Disruptor Pulse Cannons and a Micro Photon Torpedo Launcher. The Advanced version upgrades the Micro Photon Torpedo Launcher to a Quantum Torpedo Launcher, in addition to adding Disruptor Dual cannons, and the Elite version further upgrades the Pulse Cannons to Turrets, and adds Cannon Rapid Fire I. The Ra’nodaire and Fleet Ra’nodaire come with a Squadron of Scorpion fighters, small attack fighters used by Reman troops to attack enemies – or by enterprising Federation captains to shoot up starship interiors on occasion. Its standard compliment includes Pulse Cannons and a Plasma Torpedo Launcher. The Advanced version additionally features Dual Plasma cannons, and the Elite version upgrades the Plasma Pulse Cannon to a Plasma Turret, and gains the Torpedo High Yield ability. The Vanguard Support Carriers come equipped with a Squadron of Jem’Hadar Fighters. Much as the naming scheme used by the Dominion is brutally efficient, so too are the ships they construct. These fighters pack quite a deadly punch, armed with a deadly set of Polaron Pulse Cannons and Polaron Beam Arrays. At Advanced, it additionally gains Polaron Dual Cannons and Directed Energy Modulation II, and at Elite, it upgrades the Pulse Cannons to Turrets, the Directed Energy Modulation to Rank III, and adds the Cannon Rapid Fire I ability. Fleet Starship Variants: Fleet versions of these ships will unlock upon completing your Fleet Starbase’s Tier 3 Shipyard. The standard Fleet Module discounts apply – these starships may be purchased for 5 Fleet Ship Modules, 20,000 Fleet Credits, and 1 Fleet Ship Provision normally, but will be discounted to 1 Fleet Ship Module, Twenty Thousand Fleet Credits, and 1 Fleet Ship Provision if you have the corresponding C-Store ship purchased already. Fleet Caitian Atrox Support Carrier [T6] Ship Details: Faction: Starfleet and Starfleet-aligned Tier: 6 Required Rank: Must complete tutorial Hull Strength: 1.54 (scales with level) Shield Modifier: 1.375 Fore Weapons: 3 (scales with level) Aft Weapons: 3 (scales with level) Device Slots: 4 Bridge Officer Stations : 1 Lieutenant Commander Tactical, 1 Lieutenant Commander Engineering, 1 Commander Science, 1 Lieutenant Commander Universal/Command Console Modifications: 3 Tactical, 4 Engineering 4 Science Base Turn Rate: 5 degrees per second Impulse Modifier: 0.15 Inertia: 20 Subsystem Targeting +10 Shield Power, +10 Aux Power Can Load Dual Cannons Hangar Bays: 2 Hangar Bay loaded with Caitian Stalker Fighter Squadron Hangar Bay loaded with Caitian Support Frigates Starship Ability Package (Carrier) Quick Deployment (-Hangar Pet Recharge Time) Armored Hull (+Max Hull HP) Reactive Shield Technology (+Shield Regen/Hardness) Advanced Shield Systems (+Max Shield HP) Fleet Vo’quv Support Carrier [T6] Ship Details: Faction: Klingon and Klingon-aligned Tier: 6 Required Rank: Must complete tutorial Hull Strength: 1.595 (scales with level) Shield Modifier: 1.32 Fore Weapons: 3 (scales with level) Aft Weapons: 3 (scales with level) Device Slots: 4 Bridge Officer Stations : 1 Lieutenant Commander Tactical, 1 Lieutenant Commander Engineering, 1 Commander Science, 1 Lieutenant Commander Universal/Command Console Modifications: 3 Tactical, 4 Engineering 4 Science Base Turn Rate: 5 degrees per second Impulse Modifier: 0.15 Inertia: 20 Subsystem Targeting +10 Weapons Power, +10 Aux Power Can Load Dual Cannons Cloaking Device Hangar Bays: 2 Hangar Bay loaded with To'Duj Fighter Squadron Hangar Bay loaded with Ning'tao Support Frigate Starship Ability Package (Carrier) Quick Deployment (-Hangar Pet Recharge Time) Armored Hull (+Max Hull HP) Reactive Shield Technology (+Shield Regen/Hardness) Advanced Shield Systems (+Max Shield HP) Fleet Ra’nodaire Support Carrier Warbird [T6] Ship Details: Faction: Any Tier: 6 Required Rank: Must complete tutorial Hull Strength: 1.54 (scales with level) Shield Modifier: 1.375 Fore Weapons: 3 (scales with level) Aft Weapons: 3 (scales with level) Device Slots: 4 Bridge Officer Stations : 1 Lieutenant Commander Tactical, 1 Lieutenant Commander Engineering, 1 Commander Science, 1 Lieutenant Commander Universal/Command Console Modifications: 3 Tactical, 4 Engineering 4 Science Base Turn Rate: 5 degrees per second Impulse Modifier: 0.15 Inertia: 20 Subsystem Targeting +10 Shield Power, +10 Aux Power Can Load Dual Cannons Battle Cloaking Device Hangar Bays: 2 Hangar Bay loaded with Scorpion Fighter Squadron Hangar Bay loaded with Malem Support Frigates Singularity Warp Core 40 Base Power for All Subsystems Plasma Shockwave Quantum Absorption Warp Shadows Singularity Jump Singularity Overcharge Starship Ability Package (Carrier) Quick Deployment (-Hangar Pet Recharge Time) Enhanced Singularity Circuitry (+Singularity Gain, -Singularity Cooldown) Reactive Shield Technology (+Shield Regen/Hardness) Advanced Shield Systems (+Max Shield HP) Fleet Jem’Hadar Vanguard Support Carrier [T6] Ship Details: Faction: Any Tier: 6 Required Rank: Must complete tutorial Hull Strength: 1.375 (scales with level) Shield Modifier: 1.43 Fore Weapons: 3 (scales with level) Aft Weapons: 3 (scales with level) Device Slots: 4 Bridge Officer Stations : 1 Lieutenant Commander Tactical, 1 Lieutenant Commander Engineering, 1 Commander Science, 1 Lieutenant Commander Universal/Command Console Modifications: 3 Tactical, 4 Engineering 4 Science Base Turn Rate: 5 degrees per second Impulse Modifier: 0.15 Inertia: 20 Subsystem Targeting +10 Shield Power, +10 Aux Power Can Load Dual Cannons “Vanguard Wingmen" Ship Mechanic Console – Universal – High-Energy Communications Network Hangar Bays: 2 Hangar Bay loaded with Jem'Hadar Fighter Squadron Hangar Bay loaded with Jem'Hadar Support Frigates Starship Ability Package (Carrier) Quick Deployment (-Hangar Pet Recharge Time) Armored Hull (+Max Hull HP) Reactive Shield Technology (+Shield Regen/Hardness) Advanced Shield Systems (+Max Shield HP) Admiralty Ship Details (Applies to all four ships above) ENG: 29 TAC: 29 SCI: 60 SPECIAL: +8 SCI per Any Ship DISCLAIMER: All information in this blog post is subject to change. Jette “CrypticSpartan” Leavens Cryptic Studios Systems Designer .share-footer a { margin: 20px 10px 10px 0; background: url(d7afaaa14e96d0d973f76157ae31ec5b1466398539.png) no-repeat 0 0; opacity: .5; display: inline-block; height: 60px; width: 60px; padding: 0; border: 1px solid transparent; -webkit-transition: opacity .3s; transition: opacity .3s; } .share-footer .TI { background-position: 0 20%; } .share-footer .YT { background-position: 0 40%; } .share-footer .YT { background-position: 0 40%; } .share-footer .TW { background-position: 0 60%; } .share-footer .FO { background-position: 0 80%; } .FB:hover { background-position: 100% 0%; } .TI:hover { background-position: 100% 20%; } .YT:hover { background-position: 100% 40%; } .TW:hover { background-position: 100% 60%; } .FO:hover { background-position: 100% 80%; } .share-footer a:hover { opacity: 1; -webkit-transition: opacity .3s; transition: opacity .3s; } $(document).ready( function() { $('.show-lightbox').click(function() { var $el = $(this); var link = $; $.colorbox({href: link, maxWidth: '90%', maxHeight: '90%', scalePhotos: true}); }); }); .headerimage { border: 2px inset rgba(255, 255, 255, .05); border-radius: 2em; box-shadow: 5px 5px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, .3); -webkit-transition: all 500ms ease; -moz-transition: all 500ms ease; -ms-transition: all 500ms ease; -o-transition: all 500ms ease; transition: all 500ms ease; }


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