PC PATCH NOTES New Episode added to J’Ula’s Discovery Arc - “Beneath the Skin”: Venture into the Mycelial Network and discover the power source of Ju’la’, the fierce and uncompromising Klingon warrior, and put a stop to her. For more information, please visit the “Awakening: Beneath the Skin” blog at: Awakening: Beneath the Skin | Star Trek Online New Task Force Operation – “Mycelial Realm”: Mycelial Realm is an all new Task Force Operation, where five captains will step through a rift and into the Mycelial Network, and shut down the Klingon probes that are gathering spores for J’Ula’s weapon. Mycelial Realm will be available to all Captains of level 10 and above that have completed the tutorial. For more information, please visit the “The Mycelial Realm Opens to You” blog at: The Mycelial Realm Opens to You | Star Trek Online New Event System: Accessing the Mission Journal will now open access to a brand new Event system as part of one of the tabs featured. Event progress will no longer require slotting projects, but instead will simply work as earned progress till you reach your goal. Play the current event and watch as your points accumulate! All progress for upcoming Events will also now be truly account-wide, allowing you to participate in any of the new activities on any of your characters. For more information, please visit the “Get Event Rewards Quicker!” blog at: Get Event Rewards Quicker! | Star Trek Online Event: Mycelial Crisis: The Mycelial Crisis represents a centralized Event designed to celebrate the various pieces of new Content being released. Participating in this Event will give all players the opportunity to win a Tier-6 Elachi Starship for their entire account. Navigate to the all-new Event tab located within the Mission Journal, to view all progress and allow quick access to all of the associated content for this Event. Play through the new episode, new Task Force Operation, and patrols to earn varying amounts of progress points. Rewards: Accrue a total of 1200 Progress Points to claim the Grand Prize of Mycelial Crisis Event, which consists of the following: Elachi Qulash Frigate [T6] Once earned, every character on your account will be able to claim this Starship for themselves! 8x Elachi Disruptor Weapon Pack (once per account) 3x Ultimate Tech Upgrade - Beam/Cannon/Projectile Tech (once per account) Bonus Rewards: After claiming the Grand Prize, you will unlock the option of earning additional Dilithium Ore each day, beginning at 2,500 Dilithium Ore for the first day’s completion. Zen Buyout Option: For players interested in instantly completing the Mycelial Event, we will be offering an updated method for buying out. Within the new Event UI, an option will be presented that allows you to purchase the remaining progress that you need, for a scaling amount of Zen. A Second Chance: Progress after the Event has ended will remain in an all new Second Chance interface, allowing the option to buyout rewards long after the Event has expired. For more information, please visit the “Halt the Mycelial Crisis!” blog at: Halt the Mycelial Crisis! | Star Trek Online New Ways to Play Patrols: Five new patrols have been added, bringing new challenges and story to the universe. Ruins of Doom The Ninth Rule Within the Briars Sentinels Rescue and Search Five existing Delta Patrols have been revamped and added to the new Patrol UI for quick access. Wanted Satellite Defense Gone Dark Preying Upon the Weak Unity Patrols are now quicker and easier to play with the addition of a new Patrols tab in the Task Force Operations window. Patrols can be played solo with no delay, or you can team up with other Captains and go in as a group. Patrols will give you skill points, dilithium ore, and a small number of Marks of your choice upon completion. For more information, please visit the “New Ways to Play Patrols!” blog at: New Ways to Play Patrols! | Star Trek Online General: Walk and run animations across the game have been improved. Emotes can no longer be triggered multiple times while playing. The Mokbara emote no longer plays its starting animation twice. The Shaka emote now properly animates. The palm fronds used in Emote: Dance (Fan) no longer disappear after 37 seconds. Facial animations have been added to most emotes. Discovery Captains updated to use the correct beamout animation. Character: Starfleet aligned Jem’Hadar and Romulan Captains will now have access to all Starfleet uniforms. Klingon aligned Jem’Hadar and Romulan Captains will now have access to all Klingon uniforms. Ships: Update to default ship Trail FX: These changes include the minor updating of many impulse engine and shield items with visuals to work with the re-tooled default trails. The impulse engine glowing dot is gone. The dot will only appear when full-impulse is activated. This means the glowing dot serves as a visual tell for the player when full-impulse is activated, even when throttled down. The dots will still appear for shield/engine visuals where applicable. Many beam array energy weapons have had their basic attack, Fire at Will and Beam Overload weapon FX reduced in width by about half. Some dual-beam bank weapon basic attack, Fire at Will and Beam Overload weapon FX have also been reduced in width. These changes were done to: Improve the game’s sense of scale in space by making ships feel larger relative to beam attacks. Enhance visual fidelity by making beam weapons feel more precise. Ease visual clutter in FX heavy missions and TFOs. Systems: Improved status indicators for Superfluous Emitters (Command Captain Spec). After completing the mission "Defense Contract", Deuterium Surplus will now appear as a crafting option in the Engineering R&D School. Resolved an issue that caused the extra tough or extra weak versions of some space NPC's to have the wrong amount of health. Resolved an issue that would sometimes cause Names and Costumes on Battleship-rank DSC-Klingon ships to be mismatched. The Na'Qjej Battlecruiser summoned by the Cleave Ship's console, and the Mo'Kai Fighter Hangar Pets, no longer display as belonging to House Mo'Kai. Resolved an issue that caused the Sheshar Assault Craft to be invisible if activated on a starship other than the Elachi Sheshar. The Klingons in Peril over Pahvo now belong to House Mokai and use their combat prowess. Resolved an issue that caused the B'rel Bird-of-Prey Retrofit's Admiralty Ship to only give +8 Tac or SciShip, instead of the listed 10. The base armor stats for "Burnham's CQC Environmental Suit" have been adjusted to correctly reflect its status as an Environmental Suit, instead of sharing these stats with its Armor counterpart. This only affects its damage resistance values. Resolved an issue that was causing Boronite Laced Weaponry to no longer activate on weapon hits against a primary target. Resolved an issue that caused the Disruptor Wide Angle Dual Heavy Beam Bank to deal Phaser Damage while under the effects of Beams: Overload Known Issues: New accounts may run into an issue where the new episode, “Beneath the Skin”, is sometimes unavailable until the previous mission in the story arc has been completed. Captains under level 10 are able to access the New Patrols in the Mission Journal, but will not be able to play them, until reaching level 10. The outfit box, “The Outfit Box - Survival Suit”, is unable to be opened by KDF-aligned Romulans Captains. The Bridge Officer Power, “Augmented Boarding Party”, does not grant dreadnought admiralty cards. CONSOLE PATCH NOTES Event: The Arena of Sompek The Arena of Sompek returns as a Featured Task Force Operation! This event will last for 3 weeks and Captains can earn an all new reward! Complete the TFO on 14 different days to earn the Section 31 Heavy Phaser Rifle in addition to marks, dilithium, and three Featured TFO Reward Boxes. There will be a buyout option associated with the Event, which can be purchased from the Zen Store to receive 10 Featured TFO Commendations and 1 Ultimate Tech Upgrade. Arena Of Sompek Updates: The minimum level for participation has been reduced from 50 to 10. Romulan and Jem’Hadar characters must have chosen a primary allegiance. There will no longer be a “Timed” and “Untimed” version of the TFO. The failure condition of having all players dead simultaneously has been removed from the Event version of the map. The event version will automatically complete and award rewards when Wave 7 is complete. Section 31 Heavy Phaser Rifle Section 31 Heavy Phaser Rifle is a new reward for completing The Arena of Sompek on 14 different days. Section 31 Heavy Phaser Rifle’s primary setting will fire an additional bolt that seeks out a random target near the primary foe's location. Section 31 Heavy Phaser Rifle’s secondary fire channels a high-intensity sweeping beam designed to lay waste to a large area in a short amount of time. Obtaining the Section 31 Heavy Phaser Rifle on any character on your account will unlock the ability to reclaim the item on other characters, via the Reclaim tab of the Dilithium Store. You may only reclaim this item on characters that do not already own one. For more details, please visit the The Arena of Sompek - Your Last Chance at a Free Ship! blog at: The Arena of Sompek - Your Last Chance at a Free Ship! | Star Trek Online Character: Resolved an issue that was causing the Klingon Eye Patch accessory to clip through the character model. Systems: Infinity Lockbox Updates: Updated contents of Infinity Lock Box to include items from the Emperor's Lock Box. The Voth Bastion Flight Deck Carrier has been removed as a choice from the "Infinity Prize Pack: T5 Ship" package, and the Voth Palisade Science Vessel has been removed from the Lobi Store. The Voth Rampart Command Flight Deck Carrier [T6]] has been added as a choice to the "Infinity Prize Pack: T6 Ship" package, and the Voth Bastille Temporal Science Vessel [T6] has been added to the Lobi Store. For more information, please visit the The Voth Evolve in the Infinity Lock Box! blog at: The Voth Evolve in the Infinity Lock Box! | Star Trek Online Ship Updates: For more information on these updates, please visit the Putting the "Temporal" in "Temporal Starships" blog at: Putting the "Temporal" in "Temporal Starships" | Star Trek Online All Strike Wing Escorts have had their Quick Deployment ship mastery replaced with Enhanced Weapon Systems. This applies retroactively. All Escort Carriers have been renamed to "Strike Wing Escorts". All Flight Deck Carriers have been updated to have 2 hangar bays. This applies retroactively. Flight Deck Cruisers have been renamed to "Flight Deck Carriers". The Tier 6 Temporal Destroyer and Temporal Science Vessel are now fully Temporal Operative starships. Putting the "Temporal" in "Temporal Starships" | Star Trek Online Their commander seat now has access to the Temporal Operative specialization, and they now have the Molecular Reconstruction mechanics All previous Event Reward items have been removed from the Weekend Event Store. Any reclaimable items previously available for reclaim via the Weekend Event Store may now be reclaimed from the Reclaim store in the Dilithium Store. Players that still have Weekend Event Vouchers remaining may now purchase a Phoenix Prize Pack with each remaining voucher they still possess. Beam Overload has undergone significant changes: Beam Overload now significantly increases the damage of all of your Beam attacks for 10 seconds, instead of only 1. The Superweapon Ingenuity Starship Trait now increases the duration of Beam Overload for 5 seconds. The following items are now Bound to Account when claimed from the Phoenix Prize Store: Fighter Squadron Combat Pet, All Starship Emote Packs. Added the Bajor Defense Warp Core and Singularity Core to the "Very Rare" Tier of the Phoenix Redemption Store. Updated descriptions on Phoenix Prize Packs to reflect full list of current rewards, including recent additions. The weapon proc from Advanced Beam Arrays now grants a scaling buff to Advanced Beam Critical Severity, instead of Bonus Damage. Increased the effectiveness of Singularity abilities at higher singularity charge levels. Updated the description of Warp Shadows to indicate that the shadows last for 20 seconds. Reputation Space Shields are now eligible for Re-Engineering. Increased the Plasma Resistance on the Assimilated Regenerative Shield Array to 20% Resolved an issue that caused the Shield Drain Resistance on the Delta Alliance Unimatrix Shield Array to not function Updated the registry options for the Risian Pilot corvette [T6] to match the other variants of the Risian corvette. Players who own the D7 Miracle Worker Flight Deck Carrier can now purchase Advanced Phaser Beam Arrays from the dilithium store. Players who own the Miracle Worker Flight Deck Carrier can now purchase Advanced Disruptor Beam Arrays from the dilithium store.


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