Terminator Ship placed for The Outcasts

Comments 3

  • Hmm, it looks like a Seahorse VHF, except with a third engine.

    • It's called Scimitar and in my mod is - ZM Scimitar (terminator). Its advantage is the unlogical weapon hardpoints and orientation as well as a little bit fixxed (as position) thruster. I placed all this in the ship yesterday and it is as good as the SX Scolrpion, and when using phazors (Phantom Force C) the ship uses even more power from the guns than the Scorpion with the same power core, which is advantage & disadvantage in the same time. But when you use it with Wyrm Type B it is even a little bit more efficient in combat than SX Scorpion. It is "hardcore" :)))

    • This year this ship is even better :)