"We got you covered!"

Tzeentch's Cloak, a tiny Hellbringer Class Light Cruiser, hiding behind a larger Devastation Class Cruiser, waiting for the perfect moment to invoke the Winds of Change and cover both ships from enemy's sight.

Comments 3

  • Now Witness the power of this fully armed and operational battle station...

    • ...It's just a light cruiser... and it's a carrier at that ^^ Despoiler Class Battleship, now that's a battle station.

  • Looks like dedicating a Hellbringer to Tzeentch was a mistake... Carriers, IMHO, best operate under "Reload!" order which conflicts with Winds of Change. And for Winds of Change on a stick, a Hellbringer Mk2 would be cheaper. But zog if MoT ships aren't beautiful.