No Party Like Raiding Party

A group of Dark Eldar Raiders loaded with Kabalite Warriors escaping combat while their passengers do some drive-by shooting at Chaos Cultists.

The Raider is the key to Dark Eldar mobility, just as valuable to them as air, water or tortures are. It is a hovercraft shaped like a trireme straight outta Ancient Greece, capable of transporting a squad of infantry/a bunch of slaves/a flakton of loot on its open deck and with a crew of two: pilot located in the rear and gunner manning prow Dark Lance (a powerful anti-tank weapon). It is very fragile, not helped by the fact that there's no roof (for both vehicle and passengers), hence why Raiders have only two speed settings: 1) Very fast and 2) "WHAT THE F@#% WAS THAT?".
How these kabalites manage to stay onboard when driver switches to Setting 2 - seeing as there are no safety rails - is unknown.

Comments 18

  • ROFL to the description :D

    • Well, I tried :D these descriptions are shaping up to a sort of a stand-up comedy for me.

  • I wonder what happens if you put scourge squads into the Raider :D

    • IIRC you can't usually load Scourges. But they do have quotes for entering ("We fly... on borrowed wings") and leaving ("Only own wings will take us from here") a transport. Probably for balance reasons... besides, the winged pricks would simply take an order to fly on a Raider as an insult.

    • That's sadly true that Scourges cannot enter tanks :( Well my technique was to put Wych Squads in the Raider,coz their pistols are quite good.Hovering around the enemy and shootin' till the Raider is killed,and the Wyches go to Close Combat.Very effective against e.g. Space Marine Squads or Heavy Terminators,which won't get you :D

    • That's actually one of the reasons why the Raiders are so loved by DE in fluff and in actual tabletop. Pity there's no option to give Wyches Blast Pistols (read: pistol sized Dark Lances). BTW did you try using Screaming Jets to jump directly into an enemy squad?

    • Yes,that's so funny,after that (sry I didn't mention it) I do my tactic :D

    • Yeah, there's some specific fun playing as Dark Eldar. They are THE morally worst faction in the entire 40k and yet some things about them are cool. That being said, there's gonna be a time I'll use this tactic against a squad of Repentinas...