The Brick

Or to be more specific, The Brick, T3 Cybran Armored Assault Bot. True to its name, it indeed looks like a brick with four tiny legs beneath it. The Brick is well-armored and capable of walking on the seafloor as well as on the ground, making it amphibious. It is armed with a Heavy Disintegrator Pulse Laser mounted inside the hull; a rapid-firing high-damaging weapon to use on the ground; a Nanite Torpedo Launcher and anti-torpedo flares for self-defense under water. Good range, damage and murderous rate of fire of the Heavy Disintegrator Pulse Laser make The Brick excel at destroying groups of T1 or T2 ground units. Their torpedoes however are best left ignored, you have submarines for that.

Comments 5

  • nice details! What game is this? (should I create cathegory for it?)

    • Supreme Commander Forged Alliance. It indeed pays nice attention to details. (Yes, I suppose so)

    • Category created as we talked. I can add folder for each separate game if needed, but for now it can be ok :) (I hope :) )

    • I think one category will suffice :) Thanks!

  • Also note a Salem T2 Destroyer on the background.