"The Death Fleet descends!"

Tal'Darim Mothership with Destroyer escort.
The Tal'Darim Destroyer is a vessel reverse-engineered from the Void Ray. They were unable to replicate the focusing system of the Void Ray and replaced it with their own. Destroyer's beam, instead of increasing in power, arcs from original target to hit adjacent hostiles, and the longer it fires, the more targets will be hit.
The Tal'Darim Mothership is also similar in shape to original Protoss Mothership; however instead of being a large support vessel Tal'Darim Motherships are singular powerhouses with more powerful main weapon as well as Black Hole (stuns and pulls it enemies), Thermal Lance (a linemaker damaging ability) and Blink abilities. Only one can be active at a time and it costs a flak ton of resources, but it can solo bases that haven't gone all in on anti-air.

Comments 1

  • There is only one reason to take the Destroyer over the Void Ray: not even a lack of mouth can stop the Destroyer pilot from chewing the scenery.