Khornate Battleship

"Tribute To Evil", Despoiler class battleship, dedicated to the Chaos god of rage and bloodshed. Ships marked by Khorne generally carry a crew of bloodthirsty madmen driven into suicidal frenzy - Khorne cares not whose blood flows. In Battlefleet Gothic Armada it is referenced by Mark of Khorne increasing ship's Troop Value and boosting its boarding game. in addition, instead of an usual Lightning Strike Khornate ships might summon Daemons of Khorne onto the targeted ship, which is more effective than usual Lightning Strike.
It is unknown if boost to boarding game works on Assault Boats so far. Still Despoiler can handle being on the front lines.
Obligatory Khornate battlecry, "Blood for the blood god! Skulls to the skull throne!"

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