khaak Carrier

A part if the X universe, the khaak are an alien race, that look like spiders like there ships. they are merciless killers, much like the nomads, shoot one down a few more show up. there weapons are lasers, so you can't dog em. this is a khaak Carrier so it holds a lot of ships on it. Also all there ships are purple

Comments 2

  • i never really figured out the X games. I wrote them off as a complicated/elaborate version of Freelancer

    • I grow up with Freelancer and the X games, first i got Freelancer in 2001 , then in 2002 i got X2. when i first tried it, i never saw anything like , it was so complicated i could not figure it out, so i wrote it off to. But then later i hed a another go at it and, i saw that it was very good, i loved it. So in 2005 X3 reunion came out, and it was a lot easyer to get in to. then in 2008 X3 Terran conflict came out. so i been playing them all ever sins. i love em all :)