Stay By My Side

"Acubens" and "Altarf", Lunar Class Cruisers. Generally if you're taking Lunar it means you are missing on the Beam Spam of the Gothic, Nova Cannon of the Dominator, long-ranged batteries of the Tyrant or flight decks of the Dictator. But Lunar can snipe as well as brawl (Gothic, for instance, needs support due to low RoF of its lances, while others lack lances at all). So, when in doubt, grab a Lunar.
Bonus points for guessing the theme in the names of these two particular ships. (Hint: astronomy, related to astrology as well)
Also you can see Dauntless Mk2 Light Cruiser on the bottom of the pic as well.

Comments 1

  • Well, since nobody guessed the theme naming, Acubens and Altarf are star systems also known as Alpha and Beta Cancri respectively.