Devastation Class Cruiser

Unlike Imperial Navy, Chaos has little to choose from in the Cruiser weight category, with other ships being outright out-of spec for Chaos (Carnage Class - all the macrocannons) or quite situational (Murder Class, broadside macrocannons and prow lance), or having weird weapon systems (Slaughter Class, with dual macrocannon/lance decks). That leaves Devastation Class, armed with two lance decks, missile pod turret and a macrocannon turret. Most importantly, as you can see by the distinctive shape and a Squadron Sergeant crew member, it also has launch bays, which turn Devastation into a pretty much auto-take as well as a ship to take in case of doubt (in other words, Chaos Lunar).

Also note the Planet Killer on the background, as well as Acheron class Heavy Cruiser and Murder class Cruiser near it.

Comments 1

  • If you'll look at the ships' names to the left, you can notice this Devastation is named "House Of Sorrows" (after my most favorite Funker Vogt song, duh)