Void Stalker Class battleship

Remember what I told about Chaos and Imperial Navy having to pick one battleship from two equally awesome (Chaos)/mediocre (IN) options? Eldar don't have that luxury: they have only ONE option for Cruiser, Battlecruiser and Battleship. So no matter what, you get a Void Stalker Class. It isn't bad, though, because Void Stalker is awesome: just as fast as you'd expect from an Eldar ship, has a flak ton of those cheesy Eldar Pulsars AND bunch of Starcannons, and tops it off with launch bays (And Eldar bombers are the best). It still drifts like crazy and isn't particularly tough.
This certain Void Stalker, "Handmaiden Of Khaine", has a favor from Craftworld Ulthwe, which allows it to summon DoT warpstorms and remedies its (usual for Eldar) vulnerability to Lightning Strikes, as well as emo black paint job (to top it off, Ulthwe's coat-of-arms is an eye and a tear under it).

Comments 2

  • Nice close view! :thumbup:

    • Usually the gave gives a close-up vid like that of the ships you selected to use in the mission, e.g you can notice a Hellebore frigate and a transport on the background.