The essence of Nod playstyle.

One of the worst dick moves in C&C history: Nod Reckoner APC + Saboteur (Nod Engineer) + Vertigo Bombers with Disruption pods + hostile Construction yards. Vertigos go for their power grid (as you see by the Guard Towers going black) and/or any other detecting units hostiles may have, then one of them drops a Disruptor Pod on a Reckoner and it goes straight for their Construction Yard, since it is now invisible, as are other your units near it. Though KW (which introduced Disruptor Pod) also allowed GDI and Nod to protect their buildings from capture via special support power, the protection falls after building takes enough damage.

Comments 2

  • Its ages when I played C&C :) ...

    • But one does not simply forgets that feeling when your ConYard gets hijacked (or worse - used to deploy an Obelisk of Light right inside the base) :D