Hehehe ..... you will think why i'm upload this pictures
the reason is ...... that is a RARE SITUATION ...........
i mean so hard to find that Comet ..... and maybe if we find it that will too far away :P
Yeahh i hope you like it :D

please comment

R@F1_5Y5T3M ----------------> VICTORY FOREVER

Comments 6

  • haha... correct m8

  • I was hit by e comet 2 or 3 time and....nothing you just hit them and nothing hapen, so dont worry if you ever be hit from comet :D

  • hehe ... thank you CRYSIS !!! :D

  • Hehe nice nice , I also had some but lost them a long time ago

  • Thanks CRESTHEN ^^ .. i'm so happy gear that :D

  • You've caught a comet! :thumbup: Congratulations!