Here's a cool video for your leap day enjoyment. The theboredcyborg has put together a mega review of all the major US-based video game movies of the '90s. The list includes Super Mario Brothers, Double Dragon, Street Fighter and Mortal Kombat. He saved the best for last and also covers Wing Commander as well. Although he owns the film and was somewhat familiar with the game series, he just watched the movie for the first time recently. Based on general internet sentiment, he went in with low expectations, but was very pleasantly surprised. The cast gets a big thumbs up and the CG space battles are a particularly high point. He's reasonably impressed with Chris Roberts' directing ability and came to care about the characters. Overall, his verdict is that it's a fun film with a lot of heart to push its simple story. We couldn't agree more! Jump to 25:42 in the video below if the auto-start doesn't take you there and you want to cut straight to the discussion on Wing Commander.


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