General: Added automatic acquiring of admiralty ships from Zen-Store purchased ships. Not all ships will automatically acquire admiralty ships including: Steamrunner-class Blockade Runner Escort Steamrunner-class Blockade Runner Escort Retrofit Odyssey-class Tactical Cruiser Odyssey-class Science Cruiser Odyssey-class Operations cruiser Vesta-class Multi-Mission Surveillance Explorer Esquiline Multi-Mission Strategic Explorer Aventine-class Multi-Mission Reconnaissance Explorer Bortasqu'-class War Cruiser Bortasqu'-class Tactical Cruiser Bortasqu'-class Command Cruiser Cardassian Galor Cruiser Jem'Hadar Heavy Strike Wing Escort (T5) Jem'Hadar Dreadnought Carrier (T5) Scorpion-class Fighter Content: Resolved an issue that allowed low level players to play the Advanced and Elite versions of some Borg TFO’s. Resolved an issue that would occasionally prevent the final boss from appearing during the “Khitomer Vortex” TFO. Resolved an issue that would sometimes cause Elachi ships to spawn after a rift has been closed during the “To Hell with Honor” TFO. Resolved an issue that would sometimes cause enemies to spawn behind the force fields during the episode, “Measure of Morality”. Resolved an issue where misplaced objects could block mission progression during the episode, “Uneasy Allies”. The Kelvin U.S.S. Enterprise is now correctly equipped with Kelvin phasers and photons, wherever it appears in the game. UI: Updated the icon for the 10 year anniversary party horn / extinguisher item. Added Item Quality Filter options to the Inventory window. Character: Borg Exoskeletal Frame has been added as a valid option for Bridge Officers in the Tailor. Player Hair revisions: "Long Wavy" for Romulans renamed to "Long Straight". "Gothic Long" Renamed to "Long Blunt". Hair Short Flared - Version 2 - now no longer looks "Too shiny". Hair Short Classic - Version 2 – Brighter tint. Added more hair options for Romulan Female and Romulan Male players to use. These options have been added from “Human” options. Michael Burnham's Short hair - categorized for Player use (Free unlock). The display name is "Tight Curls Raised" Uniform: Romulan-Starfleet Uniform: It should no longer look "too shiny" in certain lighting situations. Systems: The Episode "Measure of Morality, Part 1" no longer rewards the Assault Squad Phaser Rifle, but instead now rewards Seven's Dual Tetryon Rifles. This change applies to both initial play, and replay. Resolved an issue where the Retrofitted Assimilator console made combat log files difficult to read. Updated the Borg Combat Structure kit frame to have a maximum of 3 Borg Combat Structures deployed at once Resolved various issues on the C-MOD weapons rewarded by the Borg Resurgence Event, related to how they apply and consume their shield/armor penetration buffs. This will also have the effect of improving Bridge Officer behavior while wielding these weapons. Resolved an issue that was causing the Winter 2019 Bridge Officer Abilities to be inaccessible (Let It Go, Very Cold In Space, Best Served Cold).


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