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Well, what can I say. I'm not sure if this translation won't cause anticheat problems...But I actually meant my playthrough project. That one I started in Jan 2021 and then put onto an indefinite hiatus due to RL related stuff.(Quote from Alli)Did you try using "/autobuy all on" command? Last time I checked respawning does trigger autobuy.And use the "edit" button ffs, no need to multipost.
(Quote from Alli)(Quote from Ajay)In other words: autobuy should work whenever you appear on the base, whether via landing or respawn.EDIT: Just tested it. It works on respawn, therefore there's no need making in work on take-off.In fact, making it work on take-off will be harmful for PvE. Say, I'm taking my PvP char into Oasis and I want to make extra money, so I sell half of bats/bots and Hornet CD ammo since they drop from NPCs. Having autobuy work on take off would work against that.
You mean they don't work in the CF Open SP? 'cos last time i checked they open in CF Storyline after you get to use them when the story demands.Also aren't New York->Alaska and Magellan->Leeds closed in vanilla FL as well? (I'm going to assume you meant Magellan->Leeds 'cos Manchester->Leeds is a pretty ordinary jumphole that always works).Also I think Hokkaido->Tohoku plain doesn't work. Correct me if I'm wrong.
(Quote from Alli)Exactly.Bank account is the same for all chars on the same ID, you can /deposit needed amount and then /withdraw them on the char you need. If you have to transfer between chars on different IDs, put the needed money in the bank and use /transfer command (to any char on that ID).Or you can bypass the bank entirely by invoking power of friendship and getting a trusted player to transfer the money via trade requests, same as with the equipment.
(Quote from Alli)Ah, so you do not know the power of friendship and trade requests.How 'bout this one:-Get a trusted fellow player to get to your location-Use trade request to give them equipment/credits-Switch chars-Have said player use trade request to give said equipment/credits to your another char.Virtually eliminates any chance that the NPCs will steal your stuff.(Quote from Alli)Not difficult at all, how about that. Most of my chars make their own money.
(Quote from Alli)I wouldn't recommend buying bribes. Killing fighters/storage depots is a way more controllable way to change reputation. Not to mention profitable. Unless, of course, you do not know the magic of selling escape pods at prisons either.In fact, you can change your goal from trading to podding.(Quote from Alli)Welp, you're outta luck then.(Quote from Alli)I'll look into it.EDIT: Clarified on CD/T slots in Griffin, Lagg and Seahorse entries. Will do the same with others once I'll re…
(Quote from Alli)Назначение клавиш в описанном мной примере (назначение - Del, End, PgDn, переключение - та же клавиша+шифт, выстрелить из второй группы - латинская E) продиктовано только моими личными предпочтениями (я это делаю чисто чтобы стрелять половинными залпами). Ничто не мешает Вам назначить их на другие клавиши, или пользоваться функционалом оружейных групп для других целей.Кстати, насколько я помню. по умолчанию эти клавиши не назначены. Проверьте настройки.The key assignment in the …
(Quote from Alli)Would be nice... assuming the randomisation-related mismatch issue is fixed.(Quote from Alli)Then save your money and don't buy it. IDK, I found it useful early on, and every now and then. E.g. on solo flights in Sadurn, where the aliens keep spawning too close to the gates and I just need to cloak for long enough to dock with the gate.(Quote from Alli)IIRC it's WIP/ on hiatus.
(Quote from Alli)Dom'Kavash can be made neutral and even friendly by killing Ancient Drones in Dervon. This is how you go to Inner Core 'cos Dom'Kavash control all the dockable bases in IC bar one (and even that one is only in multiplayer).Be careful though, killing Nomads will harm your DK reputation.WIP = Work In ProgressOn hiatus = progress halted