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  • (Quote) Yea, I need to say something about this OP, didn't you have a notice somewhere in-game or on the launcher at one point about closing Freelancer in case of a crash or restart? Surely this would help all the n00bs and not-quite-so-observant individuals to do so. I kept saying to myself last night in the crash-a-thon that surely somebody is forgetting to restart and possibly could be a cataylst to these incredible number of crashes. AMIRITE? AMIWRONG?
  • (Quote) This is not always the case, sometimes I see the server back up for a few minutes and *POOF* down goes the server again, without any warning.
  • Now that you've said that OP, I'm almost quite convinced it's other people somehow inadvertantly crashing the server by not restarting FL or something on thier end causing these recent string of crashes. I noticed the server was humming along very nicely the other night(as you had said earlier that day) when there were few people on(myself included) and then, last night.... Well there was quite a number of people on until the "crash-a-thon" ensued for several hours and then there were few people…