Search Results

Search results 1-9 of 9.

  • Well, GMT afternoons and nights until 12 GMT for me, later than that can happen, but just a bit, and I will not be very... efficient.
  • (Quote from Mozzi) You do have the SWAT portal chat room, because you are here on the SWAT Portal.
  • That place seems to only have days, not hours/timezones. Maybe a simple poll would work better, but since most people already picked on a day, we can simplify it:
  • If both suits, pick Sunday to give support to that day instead of Saturday which no one voted.
  • He was searching for his rum, as the first 3 words in his signature. The votings are still going on, I think... anyway on the poll above, as it's 11 vs 1 (we know who, but only weekdays is a hard thing to ask from others) for Sunday, then the day is pretty much decided, what's left is the hour.
  • That's the case of most people, evenings, not too late, not too early... so, what hour ?
  • Yes, any of those evening hours work for me, just let's put the date and hour info already, it's nearly Sunday and people have to put their alarms/clocks or to at least know at what hour to come for the meeting And, the location was SWAT Chatroom, right ? Or so I remember from the comments.
  • You can also, simply click on the "TOOLS" button in the top bar with "PORTAL" and "FORUM" on the same bar, and inside tools, click on "CHAT". Anyway, the only bug I actually saw was on the 1 to 1 chat that smileys are only visible by the other side, never by yourself, it makes itself as a little box for an instant then fully dissapears, but the other guy keeps seeing it correctly.
  • Yes, in the end, everyone got it to the Crossfire's permanent IRC channel. All the previous meetings were called by OP, and made in IRC, but since this one was by LP Knightshade, "IRC" was not a must. Now we can stick to IRC since it's visible how better and clearer it is, as well as log-able, to be uploaded for others who missed the meetings and care about it.