Search Results

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  • (Quote from dented_ship) for the record, has not been many in any other clans either, and further to that players have dropped right off. new players still coming on, and staying but more periods of no players has increased.
  • (Quote from dented_ship) time and time again i have expressed, the importance of encouraging the new players with any questions or advice and not just in new york but through the game.but just because we have been there a long time. there question are important to them even if we think they sound silly.then help the best you for the RA CLAN well there is the point thanhru attitude killed all that. but with the return of the new leader. dealing with r/l and remember that comes first.also …
  • (Quote from LordRaydenMK) there was a lot more in his respect that you have not mentioned and maybe you don,t know. the player was dealt with by high command finally and the matter has been closed. yes his name still pops up. yes it has been flogged enough but still it was a true statement. Also, I have noticed recently that the population seems to be steadily increasing over the past few weeks and months. I used to come on and I was often accompanied by me, myself and I, and a few others But n…