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  • ED Wiki Horizons DLC Engineers (ships) With 2.1 update were added into game so called "Engineers", which are human (very likely) entities which can upgrade your ship equipment for a price. Price consist not only from needed input-components, but there is also mix of positive and negative changes to the properties of the upgraded equipment. Therefore is good to slow down, and thought twice or three times what upgrade type is the best for chosen component and a ship role, and whether is really ne…
  • (Quote from SWAT_OP-R8R)I can't say this 100% sure (never checked it in detail), but as I use this upgrade type on more ships it seems that you will need the same amount of fuel for quite longer distance passed. If there is some increase, then it is not much noticeable. I can check this, but earlier next week when will return to home (out of town atm).
  • Hmm, maybe I wrote it bad. You need refuel the same amount of fuel, but you can reach much longer distances (from whole fuel tank) with this, it can be more as 50% increase in total due longer jumps. I think it's very nice upgrade. It also for sure saves quite big amount of time spent "in transit" if you want reach some distant places.
  • (Quote)(Quote)Statistics could be wrong or maybe not explained what exactly they means. As ppl asked on fd forums about this, it looks it can be quite common question.
  • [ARCHIVE] Note: below listed are changes to the engineering which were introduced into Elite Dangerous with Season 3.3.0 Changes: EVERY roll will give you better result as you had up to maximum (limited amount of rolls to reach maximum). EVERY equipment must be now upgraded from lvl 1. Reputation with engineer now affect the speed of engineering, i.e. amount of rolls needed to pass lvl. For example newbie may need 3 rolls for pass lvl 1, but veteran, which used this engineer services often, will…
  • 1st post updated, informations reorganised and cleaned nonfunctional links