Search Results

Search results 1-4 of 4.

  • Voted for 14 but any of the rest start time will do my very best to be present.Proposals - /gonna be a bit long/The participants must confirm there participation some time before the event - /you gonna need it for the below described/You will want to give each of us a call sign /easy for comunication during the mess:P/Make the teams and again give each team a call sign.example-6 pilots each call name 1,2,3,4,5,6....2 teams A and B 123 repr.A team...456-B....3 areas to cover...A team on A sector.…
  • got it correct mate,but even a dstraction should be planned...imagine me...flying arround...fighting whatever I meet...and suddenly I find my self far form the place for distraction....what use of me...another example 4 pilots smashing 3 doms fighters with no idea that 2 compadres are struggling with 5 gunboats....but still...its your ops...whatever its your call its gonna be fun:P
  • (Quote from Ajay)With respect mate but hope you to mannage it to be far from Dooms Hunt....give people target,organise them and they'll have a purpose...make it look proffesional and miracles might happen:P(Quote from Ajay)Definitely not mate /my oppinion/ dont need like 3 leaders to 6 is enough...if first attempt is ruined you can always order abort mission and start all over pain no gain:Pbut all of the above is just a suggestion...I'm sure its gonna be a thril…
  • Had a tought 34 hours,but glad that I've made it to take part in itAgain will do my very best for the next...whatever it takesTo Ajay - in case some of those drones get foulty I'm sure you can relay to all of us to provide help and support for repair oppsThank you all folks for the fun