Search Results

Search results 1-4 of 4.

  • Un-Edit: because it's good to put a paw in my mouth from time to time. If you look at the third picture on the first post you'll see that Jack is logged on four accounts at once. This is clearly an advantage for showing off his rucksack. It gives the opportunity to display how well it holds up while he is running around and saving the country. I mean, c'mon... when you're multi-logged doing things is hard enough without having to worry about whether or not something is going to shake around and…
  • (Quote) And yet, alarmingly, it is awesome on many levels and you know it. Just don't give out your home address.
  • Can I have a silencer, too, Jack? Keeping a low-profile has never been my forte. 'O.=.o' (Quote) I've seen fish used as weapons, but maybe there are only certain conditions that it works. A firm, rigid one can lend more bang for the proverbial buck.
  • Which of you carries the ammo by the way? xD