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  • May main problem with buying a mouse is that it is so hard to find a good left hand mouse. No, I actually dont have a left hand focus but from the very beginning learned to use the mouse with my left hand. Benefit is that you can use the mouse and at the same time write down stuff or do other tasks with the right hand. I can use both hands equally bad
  • I am currently using this beast: That thing is the result when you tell a car company (BMW) to design a mouse. It is an ultra heavy laser mouse. Heavy because it is pretty big and to a large degree made of aluminium. It took me a good amount of time to get used to this weight. The laser sensor can be a bit annoying sometimes when tiny hairs get in the way. My reason to buy it was the balanced layout of the buttons which allow me to use it with left and right hand. The buttons at the side are ea…