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  • Take yourself and do it over and over and over again.And suggest to change those train fuxors with freighters.And in next, I will spoiler you a bit - you will get a hostile contact with... my comrades, Coalition Ship advice: If sluggish ships do not confuse you, try Basilisk. VERY MANY bots/bats (130/130), armor and nice firepower.
  • Well, in MP, don't be shy for asking the help. Me, Ajay_[RUS] (or my secondaries), for example.
  • Then OK. Then everybody - don't ask me for help anyway, I'm anyway will be unable to help.(and nearly 5 Ques and 5 Nyseses are left to rot in my store)
  • Fly to their base and kill everyone of them. The better ship you have, the harder enemies you can down, the more escape pods cost.
  • And, probably, escort him to a good ship sell place, and gift some guns.But now, there is no way of me doing that.
  • I could donate you some mils, but I'm not interested in charity anymore...
  • Yep. Still remember my tryings to get to Altair with Titan...And by the way, you CAN get money fast! Just a good ship against not-hard enemies
  • Well, you can impress how I was F*CKING GLAD when got a ship that now is on a pic in my siggie
  • Of course, I CAN give you 10-15 mils I usually earn in a couple of pod-huntings on my Haidar.But the all of the fun of self-developement will go down the drain. If you still want to destroy it - I'd warned you.About ships: Ships you use or like in MPHere some people tell what ships do they use and why.
  • PvE: F*cking Basilisk. You can reload for a longer time and, if bots are count and Armor Class 10 put, you get nearly 100k of armor. But agility goes FUBAR, and cargo bay is only 80.PvP: I use Thanatos and can't say it is too bad. Moreover, it has 90 of cargo and 105 bots/bats +agile as Cayman. DO do no double-posting:@R@F1: Seems like there was a mistake in your logic... I did everything almost alone in MP, and I don't feel I like MP anymore...
  • 1: 100K hull - if all bots (130 nanobots, no less) are in count, if we don't count nanobots it's nearly 25k of armor+Que-irtors and Nyses'os still have a problem of hitting you. However, put Weight Reduction if you don't care about hull and cargo, and yay, agility is back. But it works great in group - your more agile teammates are drawing fire and you are playing the role of a huge nanobots/batterys dispencer with 4 class 10 and 2 class 9 guns.And it's ugly... Our opinions are personal feelings…