was really fun, thanks again for hosting it
Posts by Firewolfy1
Hi Guys, just trying to figure out the start time for my time zone, I seem to be getting all sorts of different times atm. Just hoping it will be at a time I can attend.
Hope to see you all there
if event runs at 8AM server time, that would be 6 PM Auckland time.
darn...i think i meant to vote more for 8AM instead...but oh well ^^. im good with either 2am or 8, but 14 i for sure couldnt come. but whatever u choose will be best im sure. hope to see many there
find it here
this looks really fun, hope many can come
been wanting to do something like this for a while. best times for me on Sunday would be between about server time 20:30 (8:30 PM) to about 2 AM or anything after that works too. Should be cool getting a good diverse group of ships and pilots in there and all having fun together.
yup big congrats
Was in La Royale space today and after doing some mapping and starting to leave, was unable to land on any bases on my way out. This is weird because I was able to land on every base on my way in for the first time without a problem. Some other players were on at the same time and were saying they were having same issue so am thinking it could be something wrong on server side? I even tried changing shaders and stuff but that didnt fix it. got error CODE ffffffffc0000005 [E000000D3] in launcher