Posts by Space.Pirate

    i just wanna thx to everyone who was online yesterday (evening) , we manage to do some events , one TDM , a nomad hunt and after we invade IC space to steal the alien technology , we had a great time and lot fun , thx again for coming on this special day which was 20 years of freelancer cya soon pilots .


    Yeah 4 march is close and since i want to participate i will give you my personal view about this aniversary meeting , its just an idea ...

    So on 4 march evening hours why not meet on CF server in front of manhattan NY maybe someone make a speech , do some chating and after all of us make a tour of Sirius sector ,after the tour we can make a series of events PvP , PvE i mean whatever ppl will like to do, personally i am open and i will participate at any activitys or events , see you on 4 march .


    I can try to put such a message into the newsletter i December.

    Thats great ,maybe the end of december (holidays time) is perfect to send the newsletter , so alll we need now is a enghlis speaker person who is willing to live stream and the time and date of this event , i ve check and i assume this will be on a saturday 4 march 2023 sience then is exactly 20 years from Freelancer release.

    Anyways the whole idea is to gather online as much as we can to celebrate this special occasion and pay a tribute for this awesome game which all of us love so much , lets do this guys .

    Hello ,

    This is great idea to stream on twitch and showcase the game and the CF mod via a live stream , but we can do even more here on CF , we can organize a aniversary reunion where ppl join the server at that time and date

    Its not that hard to do this ,we just need to get in touch with some old ppl (veterans) via idk discord , social media , phone , mail , i am prety sure that the staff team can send a mass email to all register members about this aniversary reunion event , i personal can get in touch 4-5 guys who played on CF and everyone who read this thread can do the same.

    Just think about this , a twitch live stream where is showcase the CF mod and in adition to that, this aniversary reunion where lot of ppl are online ... it will be awesome WOW.

    Ofc for this to happen we (all of us) need to left behind all the bads and bad blood from the past, i personal had in past goods and bads on CF but i move on and to be honest how hard is to do that ??? just download the game , instal and be present online at that period of time and pay a little respect for this game and for people how put hard work on this mod ,simple like that..

    I personal if this will be organize will try be present no matter what , because i LOVE Freelancer game and liked (still like) this mod so much ,best of luck to all of you cya.


    The slightest engagement in rp leads to public outcry while the opportunity to counter act totally gets wasted.

    Yakut58 prety sure its about me and you here( not only ) , i didnt wrote those words someoelse did maybe u can understand better this way..

    on other hand saying that your friend (vampi) left the game coz of me is prety lame since i never interact with him in anyway nor do i tax him or fire at him and so on

    PS: Freelancer its a video game and losing or winning its part of it if someone dont undersant this play barbie , tetris or mario and yes now i trolling , have a nice day


    i am the bad pirate that tax and kill you yesterday some may know me some not i didnt play FL for about 4-5 years or so and as much i hate to do this i will since u decide to make this public and tell only the half of story and your screenshot from today it show that i was in Jormdar you log in and i was trying a more friedly aproach calling you to join hunting but for ppl know the whole story i will atach the screenshots form yesterday lets see who was most nasty me or you

    Freelancer 2020-06-23 01-36-36-32.bmp                Freelancer 2020-06-23 01-37-18-89.bmp                Freelancer 2020-06-23 01-37-26-81.bmp

    as you ppl can see from screenshoots the guy claim i dint give him time but him insted of type /yes he said "what do u want '' ''stop'' u need more then 2 sec to type this line and after he insult in the worse way i didnt get ofend to much even thought that he call me ''russian retard '' i may find this some sort of racism carp even iam not russian u should apologize to Wanderer he is russian

    yes you SA was the whole event on my ass 90% of time ,sure strategy ;) ,i was force many times to sw target on you becouse all the time when you undock i was target by you , under this condition i was not able to go after tulip and stil i kill him 3-4 times, you say that tulip ignore your commands, the guy dont speak english and i dont think is ok to force someone to make what you want ,i think in a event can be picked whatever target you want as long is not in same team with you and if your tactic was to kill only me or trying then maybe tulip's tactic was to kill denne and Hydra ...

    tulip score is +17 do the math he made 29 kills 2 suicides 10 deaths so 29 kills -12 deaths =17 in AZ09 post has +37

    and if this event was unfair i wonder how unfair or fair this one was