what? you can get s*** like this in disco?
Posts by horatio's ego
then what about different types of VHF. ones desighned for speed i.e impulse speed 130 some for taking the blunt of the fire i.e shields 35000 guns 2 class 10's.
add more variation and creativity for stupid looking fighters that everybody uses because of its turn ratejust an idea
what! where was i in all this? wub wub...... please give anouncement a day prior plz
would love to kill you all though -
ahhhh so many gods!
you really are a god! does that make OP a super god?
huor, please, PLEASE give us a better train for 2.0
also make mining overpowered as a source of income
kthnxbye -
OP...... you bastard!!!! finally i see new ships for hauling cargo and then..... "NPC only" way to kick a nerd in the nuts
sorry, a char wipe? do we get compensation? say 100 mil to get clans running again?
btw frenemies is in the dictionary (i think)
OP rocks! -
who the hell is this bot guy?
i 1 day he's posted about 20 new threads?
who has that kind of powe-.................chuck norris! -
why thank you
wow, so much info portalearth, thanks soooo much for your input
renaming chars would greatly improve the flexibility of crossfire players, i have a few typo's that i would like to clear up
people also loose out because, people do care about frags and stuff, and they have the right to choose to care about it, it dosnt mean your a noob, it shows that you care about the progress that you have put into your character
and any news about 2.0 release, i need to clear out my schedule for 10 days to see whats behind the coalition hypergate
no no no no, thats from a new airline that only uses fuel every 5 seconds.
wonder who owns that -
starcraft, i never played......
minecraft IS one of the best games ever, it soooo fun, and tbh it scares the shit out of me whenever i hear sssssssssss thesedays, ahhh, brain damage the sign of a good game
warcraft 3 is also a good game, although the squeal is pretty shit now (MOTHER FUDGING PANDAS?!?!) i will remember the Warcraft series how it was
yes that is the bacon i was on about, the food of gods and titans!
and marauder, they fly via methane/ doughnut powered jetpack
you call pirates rats, i thought 2 animals would be cool, it was gunna be giraffes vs racoons.......
btw pigs are cool animals, they have better noses than dogs, they make the best food ever, bacon (for you yanks out there i think you know it as "Canadian bacon") plus they very clever. they also like doughnuts. the resemblence it uncanny to the forces of the CFPD and or bloodguard
rats, abbreviated pirates, i was born in the year of the rat in Chinese zodiac, and it is the first of the zodiac. rats are cunning, agile creatures who can survive in the most despicable of environments, with a intelegence rarely found in the animal kingdom be proud to be a rat
indeed, but i would have tractored you in and sold you back to the CSF for $10,000,000,000........
but you would have lived -
in the early hours of the morning, officers from the BG and the CFPD found a trespassing pirate within the Vega system going under the alias of "DooD" who was relentlessly persued to the X-3043 system and forced planetside, where i can only asume he was detained. during these events a newly resurrected SMG werter arrived along with CSF commander LP marauder where a large scale battle took place.if anything here can be added to or corrected, post bellow